


AACE Award
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AACE Award
Recent Recognitions and Announcements:

The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) proudly announces the second annual AECT Fellows for 2024 include Dr. Curtis Bonk of Indiana University. Award Announcement: and Award Poster: August 27, 2024.

Awardee, AECT Annual Achievement Award: For Accomplishments Advancing the ECT Field. Presented at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) International Convention, Orlando, FL, October 18, 2023.

Listed in the Elsevier and Stanford University list of top 2% of scientists in the world based on publication citations for career. Career Rank: #154,072. 2022 only Rank: #78,028. Available: Updated Science-Wide author databases of standardized citation indicators, October 4, 2023. Available:

AECT Research and Theory Division Outstanding Conference Proposal. Chen Feng, Zixi Li, Xiaoying Zheng, & Curtis J. Bonk (2023). "Investigating the Self-Directed Learning Process in Argentine Tango Learning." AECT 2023, Orlando, FL. October 16, 2023.

2023-2023 Distinguished University Scholar, American University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.

2023-2023 PSU Virtual Visiting Professor Program, PSU Open Mobility Project, Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand.

2022-2023 Inaugural GOTEC Fellow, Global Online Teacher Education Center (GOTEC) Program, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.

2023: AECT Culture, Learning, and Technology (CLT) Division, Outstanding Book Award, Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy. AECT 2023, Orlando, FL. October 16, 2023.

2023: Awardee (with Min Young Doo, Kangwon National University, Korea), Outstanding International Research Collaboration, American Educational Research Association (AERA) TICL (Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning) SIG. Presented at AERA, Chicago, IL, April 13, 2023.

2023: Awardee, USDLA Excellence in Distance Learning Research Award in Higher Education, United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), Orlando, FL, July 19, 2023. Award Announcement:

2022: Fellow Awardee, Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Presented at the OLC Accelerate Conference, Washington, D.C., October 25, 2022.

2022: Awardee, Outstanding Digital Learning Artifact Award (for Silver Lining for Learning podcast show), awarded by the AECT Learner Engagement Division. Presented at the 2022 Conference of the Association for Educational Technology and Communications (AECT), Las Vegas, Nevada, October 27, 2022. (Recipients: Curtis J. Bonk, Chris Dede, Punya Mishra, and Yong Zhao)
Award Information:

2022: Awardee, AECT Distinguished Development Award (for Silver Lining for Learning podcast show), awarded by ETR&D. Presented at the 2022 Conference of the Association for Educational Technology and Communications (AECT), Las Vegas, Nevada, October 25, 2022.
Distinguished Development Award:

2022: Outstanding Student Paper Award, Ed Media 2022, New York, Zixi Li & Curtis J. Bonk (June 21, 2022). Supporting Learners Self-Management for Self-Directed Language Learning: A Study within Duolingo. Paper presented at the EdMedia 2022: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, New York, NY.
Award Announcement: and

2022: Award for Outstanding International Engagement, Indiana University School of Education. Presented at the Celebration of Excellence, Bloomington, IN, April 29, 2022.
Award Information:

2022: The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Fellows Program.
AERA Announces 2022 Fellows: (PDF)

2021: The David H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award.
Awards Website:
Award Presentation Pictures:

2021: AECT Division of Distance Education (DDL) Journal Article Award-Quantitative Based, 2021-First Place.
Awards Website:
Full Citation and Award Presentation Pictures:

2021: President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Technology, Indiana University, April 5, 2021.
Award video (2:34):
Award bio:
Event Program:

2020: AECT Division of Distance Education (DDL) Outstanding Conference Proposal.
Meina Zhu, Curtis J. Bonk, & Sarah Berri (2020). “Students’ Self-directed Learning Strategies in MOOCs”

2020: Indiana University President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Technology
Awards Website:
IU News:

2018: Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Releases New Great Conversations Interview with Curt Bonk. The latest installment of Great Conversations has been released, titled Teaching Technologies of the Future. Dr. Bonk discusses issues which include technology changes in higher education, diversity, nontraditional students, lifelong learning, spaces for teaching and future technologies.

Original Announcement:
***IU Great Conversations (Teaching.IU):
Dr. Bonk's blog post:

Interview links:
     1. Interview posted to YouTube (31:51):
     2. Interview posted to Vimeo:
     3. Interview posted to personal Website:

2018: RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings (#82), Recognized among those contributing most substantially to the debate about schools and schooling (top 200 list from over 20,000 university-based education scholars), Education Week, Rick Hess, January 10, 2018. (Note: made this list each year since inception from 2012-2018 (highest rank #69). Available: See also 2018 RHSU Rankings and Scoring Rubric.

2017: The Online Learning Journal Outstanding Research Achievement Award in Online Education (from the Online Learning Consortium). This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary achievements and research in the field of online education and will be commended at the OLC Accelerate conference in Orlando Florida on November 16th, 2017. Award Info/Criteria; Past Recipients; OLC Accelerate Conference Home.

2017: RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings (#71), Recognized among those contributing most substantially to the debate about schools and schooling, Education Week, Rick Hess, January 11, 2017. Available: See also IU School of Education Alumni Chalkboard Magazine; and IU School of Education News.

2016: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACE Fellowship award. Given "In Recognition of Outstanding Leadership & Service to the Profession and AACE." See also IU School of Education News.

2016: DDL Distance Education Book Award
The 2016 AECT Division of Distance Learning Book Award is presented in recognition of a print or digital book published within the last three years that describes important theoretical or practical aspects of distance education that can help others involved in distance education or those researching an important aspect of distance education. The primary focus of the book must be directly related to distance education.

AECT Division of Distance Learning (DDL) Distance Education Book Award. -- First Place. MOOCs and Open Education Around the World, Editors: Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, & Thomas H. Reynolds. NY: Routledge. Presented at the 2016 Conference of the Association for Educational Technology and Communications (AECT), Las Vegas, NV. See: 2016 AECT DDL Awards.

MOOC Book Authors Win Award 2016: RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings (#69), Recognized among those contributing most substantially to the debate about schools and schooling, Education Week, Rick Hess, January 6, 2016. Available: IU Alumni Chalkboard Magazine Article:

2015: An article Dr. Bonk coauthored won a Journal Article Award from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology's Division of Distance Learning, November 6, 2015, Indianapolis, IN.

2015: Routledge Education June 2015 Author of the Month, Curtis J. Bonk is named Education Author of the Month by Routledge, Taylor & Francis, June 1, 2015. (see also Routledge Facebook announcement)

2015: Editors’ Choice Article, A publication Dr. Bonk coauthored was a hand-picked choice of authors’ research and scientific articles from The Internet and Higher Education, May 19, 2015.

2015: RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings (#74), Recognized among those contributing most substantially to the debate about schools and schooling, Education Week, Rick Hess, January 7, 2015.

MOOC Book Authors Win Award 2014: Dr. Curtis Bonk will be this year’s recipient of the the “Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education” at the Global LearnTech conference in Mumbia, India.
2014 Global LearnTech Award List, Dr. Bonk’s Acceptance Speech, Picture of Award
2014: Dr. Curtis Bonk is this year’s recipient of the 2014 Mildred B. and Charles A. Wedemeyer Award for Outstanding Practitioner in Distance Education.
Bob Clasen introduces the 2014 Wedemeyer Award, August 13, 2014:
2014: Dr. Curtis Bonk is listed in the 2014 Edu-Scholar Public Presence rankings, published on the Education Week website.

2013: Praised by MERLOT as "a model of the scholarship of teaching".
2013: Education Week names Curt Bonk among "top contributors to education discourse"(2nd).
2013: Dr. Curtis Bonk is listed in the 2013 Edu-Scholar Public Presence rankings, published on the Education Week website.
2013: Visiting Scholar, November 2013, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2013: Visiting Scholar, November 2013, National Sun Yat-Sen Univ., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2013: Visiting Scholar, September 2013, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.
2013: Outstanding Reviewer of 2012, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Emerald Literati Network, Emerald Group Publishing, 2013 Awards for Excellence.

2012-2017: Extended term Visiting Professor, University of Glamorgan, Wales (renamed, the University of South Wales in April 2013).
2012: Curt Bonk selected to speak at the NSF Cyberlearning Research Summit in D.C.
          Videos of event presentations                Dr. Bonk's 11 minute presentation
2012: Two IU School of Education scholars ranked as top policy voices in Education Week
2012: Named by Blackboard among "10 Fascinating People in Education in 2012"
2012: IAP (Information Age Publishing) DDL Distance Education Journal Award, 2012-First Place for “Advancing Practice,” Presented by the Division of Distance Learning of the Association for Educational Technology and Communications (AECT), Louisville, KY.
2012: Dr. Curtis Bonk is listed in the 2012 Edu-Scholar Public Presence rankings, published on the Education Week website.
2012: IAP (Information Age Publishing) DDL Distance Education Journal Award, 2012-First Place for “Advancing Practice,” Presented by the Division of Distance Learning of the Association for Educational Technology and Communications (AECT), Louisville, KY.
Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi Miyoung Lee, Nari Kim, & Meng-Fen Grace Lin. (2009). The tensions of transformation in three cross-institutional wikibook projects. The Internet and Higher Education, 12(3-4), 126-135.
2012: IAP (Information Age Publishing) Distance Education Book Award, 2012-Third Place, The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education, Presented by the Division of Distance Learning of the Association for Educational Technology and Communications (AECT), Louisville, KY.

2011: Dr. Joshua Kim suggested a "Proposed Course: The Learning World of Curtis J. Bonk"
2011: The World is Open: How Web Tech is Revolutionizing Ed is 1 of the 30 Best Books EdTech Geeks

2009: Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University, School of Education.
2009: Outstanding Paper Award, Lin, M.-F., Sajjapanroj, S., Bonk, C. J. (2009, June). Wikibooks and Wikibookians: Loosely-Coupled Community or the Future of the Textbook Industry?, Ed Media 2009–World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications, Honolulu, Hawaii.

2008-2013: Executive Committee Chair, Advisory Board, E-Learn Conference--The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education.

2007-2012: Named Visiting Professor, University of Glamorgan, Wales.

2006: Visiting Scholar, September 2006, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
2006: Outstanding Paper Award, Liu, X., Magjuka, R. J., Bonk, C. J., & Lee, S. H. (2006, October). Does sense of community matter? An examination of participants’ perspectives in online courses. E-Learn 2006-The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

2005: Dr. Bonk is Listed as Top 10 US e-learning gurus

2005 Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University, School of Education
2004: Alumni Achievement Award, the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
2003-2005: Senior Research Fellow with the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Lab, the Department of Defense (DOD)
2003: The Most Outstanding Achievement Award, the U.S. Distance Learning Association
2003: The Most Innovative Teaching in a Distance Education Program Award, the State of Indiana
2002: CyberStar Award from the Indiana Information Technology Association, Indianapolis, IN
2000: Wilbert Hites Mentoring award, Indiana University
1999: Burton Gorman Teaching Award, School of Education, Indiana University
1999-2003: Senior Research Fellow with the Army Research Institute, Washington, DC
1997-1999: Teaching Excellence Recognition Award (TERA), Indiana University
1992: Zenith Computer Masters of Innovation IV Competition; 1st Place, Category: Literacy. (with Padma Medury, The Future of Tech: Come SAIL Away With Coop Hypermedia)

Professor Bonk has been interviewed by or featured in:

Television and Video:
BlackboardTV, Thought Leader Series
Cisco Employee TV network (Cisco Telepresence for Education Thought Leaders (
Edmonton, Alberta (3) TV Stations
New Zealand Morning News (Channel One)
Public Media Connect--CET/ThinkTV, PBS, Cincinnati, Ohio
Saudi Channel 1, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
STARLINK, LeCroy Center for Educational Telecommunications, Dallas, TX
WGN TV 8, Midday News, Chicago, Illinois
WTIU/WFIU Bloomington, Indiana
Afternoon Show”, WRJN-AM 1400 AM, Racine, WI.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corp
Charlie Sherman Show, WGIR 610 AM Manchester, NH
Dresser after Dark” with Michael Dresser, October 15, 2009, IRA/USA Radio Network
The Kathryn Zox Show,aired on VoiceAmerica Women's Network and WMET 1160 AM Washington, DC
Lake Effect” with Mitch Teich, WUWM-FM 89.7 FM, Milwaukee, WI.
NewsRadio AM 1340 WTRC in Elkhart, Indiana with Gary Sieber and Paul Weaver
NPR Chicago, “Morning Show with Eilee Heikenen-Weiss, Chicago, IL.
NPR San Diego
NPR KCRW LA, “To the Point” with Sara Terry (also on the show, British actor, Stephen Fry)
NPR , Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), “Conversations with Joy Cardin”
NPR, WTIU/WFIU Bloomington, Indiana, “Noon Edition”
New Zealand National Radio
Paradise Radio Network WCBQ-AM 1340, WHNC-AM, by Dr. Alvin Augustus Jones, Oxford, North Carolina
Public Affairs” with Larry Wilson, WROQ-FM 101.1 FM
Radio Adelaide
Something You Should Know,” Mike Carruthers, Southport, CT
State of Affairs/Studio 619”, Louisville, Kentucky, WFPL
Sunday Magazine/NTJ Morning Magazine,” with Rick Shepard, Johnstown, PA, WKYE (95.5 FM)
Tech Talk with Craig Peterson, WGIR 610 AM Manchester, NH
USA Radio Network (Armed Forces Network)
Viewpoints” show with Pat Reuter, Media Tracks Communications, Des Plains, IL
WGVU-AM/FM (NPR), Grand Rapids, MI
Newspaper, Magazines, and Print Media:
APA Monitor
The Arizona Republic
Big Think
The Boston Globe
Campus Technology
The Central Intelligence Agency
Chief Learning Officer
China Daily
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Daily Moscow paper (“Mir Novostei”)
Delta Sky Miles Magazine
Education Week
The Evolllution
The Huffington Post
Human Resource Executive
The Indianapolis Star
Inflight Magazine of Continental Airlines
Inside Higher Ed
Military Times Edge
The New York Times
eSchool News
St. Louis Post and Dispatch
The Saudi Gazette
Sydney Morning Herald
US News and World Reports
University Affairs (Canada)
Wall Street Online
Yahoo! Education | Dr. Bonk's IU Homepage
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