1. August 7, 2019, Wisconsin 35th DT&L Conference Greeting
All 4 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHcReRoW2lxNDbsVFFcX7zVLS40RChnct
Final Video (3:14) https://youtu.be/dhYoQx5a7mk
2. August 7, 2019, 35th Annual Wisconsin Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI
Video (12:31) (Curt Bonk appears at 5:33 and 9:40): https://youtu.be/lmoZtpk2Hu0
3. November 29, 2018, Teaching Technologies of the Future, Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Releases New Great Conversations Interview with Curt Bonk. Dr. Bonk discusses issues which include technology changes in higher education, diversity, nontraditional students, lifelong learning, spaces for teaching and future technologies. Available: https://youtu.be/cJKGmyhESLs
and http://curtbonk.com/facet.html
4. February 2011, eLi13 58 Second Promo Video, (1 minute). Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Note: with Tim Berners–Lee (inventor of the Web), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia), Lloyd Rieber, Badrul Khan, and Curt Bonk)
5. February 2016, “Putting the Blend in Blended Learning,” Public Media Connect--CET/ThinkTV, PBS, Cincinnati, Ohio. Online PD Workshop
i. Why Blended Learning in K-12 Schools? (6:43): http://www.cetconnect.org/education/blended-learning-k12-schools/
ii. Educational Technology Newsletter Winter/Spring/Summer 2016: http://www.trainingshare.com/pdfs/EdTech_Winter2015-16-FNL-singles.pdf
6. November 2014, (Compressed, High Def; Low Def), (16 minutes). Shenzhen, China: Learning is Changing: MOOCs, The Open World, and Beyond. (Dropbox slides.)
7. October 31, 2015, Curt Bonk’s Introductory Speech to Participants of the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Korean Association for Information and Educational Media (KAIEM), Seoul, Korea. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aIYbg1hv08 (3 minutes). 21 Second Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EteOHnzUGkk
8. November 6, 2015: Presidential Session Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual International Convention, Indianapolis,
Presenters: Tom Reeves, Mimi Lee, Yadi Ziaee, and Curt Bonk.
Multimedia in MOOCs: Best Practices for Cultural Inclusion (54:31)
Available: http://moocsbook.com/video.php
9. April 28,. 2016, Education 3.0: My, Our Learning World is Changing, Virtual presentation for A Seminar of Retail Education. Helsinki, Finland. Dropbox Notes/Sides; YouTube slides and video (MP4); YouTube Bonk video only (MP4); 24 minutes.
10. Bonk, C. J. (2015, April). 20 minute video lecture: Are You Flipping Out or Flipping In?: The How’s, Why’s, and What’s of the Flipped Classroom Model.
- HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4p2FAdoMfU (20:16);
- Regular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2LeFfywSPM
2008 STARLINK Programs
2009 STARLINK Programs
2010 STARLINK Programs
14. January 16, 2015, YouTube (1 hour and 48 minutes), MOOCs…Learning is Changing: Thoughts on Design and Delivery of Flexible, Open, Online, and Massive Courses, Videoconferencing presentation at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
March 6, 2013, YouTube, Audio, (1 hour, 3 minutes). SXSWedu, “Cage Match” on MOOCs with Chuck Severance
16. June 1, 2016,
Living in Tech City: 50+ Technology Trends and Innovations Transforming Workplace Learning, Education, and Our Lives, presentations for Korea University, Seoul. Watch Video 1 Video 2 Video 3
17. Bonk, C. J. (2015, August 12). Technology Innovation is Transforming Our Work and Our Lives—50+ Learning Trends and Innovations. Keynote presentation at I.T. Day, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois. Available:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONfVQKtGoBg and http://itday.siu.edu/index.html
18. June 25-29, 2018
Video Interview: Inspiring Leaders—Curtis Bonk, Drexel University, March 7, 2018. (9:52): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTStk4oWcL8 and Interview and Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/y6w5nykw
Blog post: Videos from three “inspiring online leaders—Curtis Bonk, Gardner Campbell, and Tony Bates, Online Learning and Distance Education Resources blog by Tony Bates, March 9, 2018. Available: https://www.tonybates.ca/2018/03/09/videos-from-three-inspiring-online-leaders/
19. December 22, 2017
Interviewed for master’s student training video, MOOCs and Self-directed Learning, by Marcelo Maina, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (i.e., the Open University of Catalona), Barcelona, Spain, (recorded June 21, 2017; made available December 22, 2017).
All seven video interviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqLzFjZc4SmUT74_ajFAJc2nc1bVejQF or https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHcReRoW2lxOj-OWiZujst-1LM9_YCBvd
- Q#7 Principles of teaching in new technology rich environments (5:38):
Q#6 SOLE and open education design (4:51):
Q#5 MOOCs and cultural differences (3:19):
Q#4 Personalization in MOOCs (6:25):
Q#3 Models of MOOC effective education (7:32):
Q2 MOOC design recommendations for eductors (3:12):
Q1 Innovative experiences in MOOCs and open education (2:51):
Interviewed/videotaped for three-part television documentary, “Digital Wave” (an International coproduction documentary series about ICT at school and at home-integrated learning and teaching in Korea, Norway, Singapore, India, and USA),
Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), Seoul, Korea, to premiere, January 2019. Yeonah Paik, Producer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDWsE7E59js (1:22)
Part 1. Open the Digital Native School (Jan 7):
http://curtbonk.com/EBS1.html (49:53; see 3:35)
Part 2. The Future School will be Changing (Tues, Jan 8):
http://curtbonk.com/EBS2b.html (49:20)
Part 3. Thinking about the Future School (Wed, January 9): http://curtbonk.com/EBS3.html
The EBS Future Schools producer (Part
#1 (snippet
with Paul Kim and Dr. Bonk), #2,
September 6, 2018 EBS Documentary: “The
Power of Play” (faster version):
Paul Kim: http://curtbonk.com/paul-kim.html Paul Kim interview:
2013 Conference Keynotes
2014 Conference Keynotes
2015 Conference Keynotes
Archived Talks 2006 - Present
2015 Conference Keynotes and Presentations
- January 16, 2015
Bonk, C. J. (2015, January). MOOCs…Learning is Changing: Thoughts on Design and Delivery of Flexible, Open, Online, and Massive Courses, Videoconferencing presentation at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), Floworks – eLearning Development Network, Tampere, Finland. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4Kf1xPl-eY
2014 Conference Keynotes and Presentations
- November 17, 2014
Bonk, C. J. (2014, November). Learning is Changing: MOOCs, The Open World, and Beyond, Shenzhen International Friendship-City University League (SIFCUL) Inaugural Forum, Shenzhen, China.
New Video and Slides: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kw4aj1o3ax1qwgk/AABaIXkLzqpQUuDIXjpcl2Qca?dl=0
Small version of video. Compressed, but-to-scale:
1) http://trainingshare.com/video/bonk_china_conference_nov_17_2014_small--compressed--but-to-scale.mp4
2) http://youtu.be/kcAm2rXJQpoM
High Def version of video. Wider and fatter:
1) http://trainingshare.com/video/bonk_china_conference_nov_17_2014_large--High%20Def--wider%20and%20fatter.mp4
2) http://youtu.be/Qnkb0boz6d4
2013 Conference Keynotes and Presentations
- May 22, 2013
Bonk, C. J. (2013, May). Stretching the Edges of Technology-Enhanced Teaching: From Tinkering to Tottering to Totally Extreme Learning, Keynote presentation at the 6th Annual UA System Scholars Institute, Huntsville, AL. Archive of Keynote (in MediaSite): http://uahengdl.uah.edu/Mediasite/Play/61ec612ff02740e9a66b1297675f070d1d (1:29:31)
- March 6, 2013
Bonk, C. J. (2013, March). Adding Some Jumbo Motivation to Online Courses and Activities with the TEC-VARIETY Model, Cengage Learning “Engage 2013,” SXSWedu Conference, Austin, TX. Video available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc61H8fwKIw, Slides available: http://www.slideshare.net/CengageLearning/curt-bon (1:08:45)
(Note: This session was streamed by both Cengage Learning and SXSWedu.)
- March 6, 2013
Bonk, C. J. (2013, March). “Cage Match” on MOOCs with Chuck Severance of the University of Michiganat at the 2013 Cengage Learning Engage Conference in Austin, Texas. Available:
https://soundcloud.com/sxswedu/cage-match-the-massive-open (1:03:05 MP3 Audio Podcast); http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8jRWlgFoCE (video)
- January 31, 2013
Bonk, C. J. (2013, January). Stretching the Edges of Technology-Enhanced Teaching: From Tinkering to Tottering to Totally Extreme Learning. Keynote presentation at the BETT Conference Session: Global Voices in Education Technology, ExCel, BETT Arena, London, UK.
(see Global voices in education tech: Curt Bonk, Indiana University (posted March 14); Available:
https://youtu.be/tCPv3BkIlXc and http://curtbonk.com/bett.html
January 2010 STARLINK program on applying the Web 2.0 in higher education
February 2009 STARLINK program on best practices and tips for online learning in higher education
October 2008 STARLINK program on blended learning in higher education
Strategies from the Front Line: Best Practices from Hybrid Instructors. Curt Bonk was filmed in Dallas for a STARLINK program on blended learning. STARLINK is an agency of the Texas Association of Community Colleges. This particular 60 minute program is now available in a streaming-video format and later in DVD. Four faculty were interviewed for this broadcast. Available online until November 3, 2008 and then in DVD format only (requires membership).
Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/zQTk90UrMpA
Download 2008 Video #1: http://trainingshare.com/video/starlink.mp4 (234 MB Apple QuickTime) Time: 21:19
Download 2008 Video #1: http://trainingshare.com/video/starlink.wmv (274 MB Windows Media)