Dr. Bonk's Keynotes in Corporate, Higher Ed, K-12, and More...

Speaking references available upon request
Dr. Bonk with Blue Man Group
Book Web Site MOOCs and Open Education Around the World   
Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves,
& Thomas H. Reynolds (Eds.),
Routledge (2015).
Testimonials and Reviews of Dr. Bonk's Workshops and Keynote Presentations

Here are some recent keynote and invited talks:
  1. Awakening Dreams and Possibilities: Ushering in Education 5.0 with Generative AI
  2. ChatGPT and Generative AI as a New Partner in Language Teaching and Learning: Views from YouTubers
  3. Ideas, Approaches, and Strategies for DEI in the Learning, Design, and Technology Curriculum
  4. Manufacturing Motivation in Online Language Teaching and Learning with Variety: TEC-VARIETY
  5. Using Shared Online Videos, Podcasts, and Webcasts to Apprentice and Engage Online Learners
  6. Time to Wake Up from Our Innovative Learning Dreams and Make Smarter Learning a Reality
  7. How to Enhance, Extend and Even Transform Your Teaching with Hyper-Engaging Strategies
  8. A Silver Lining for Learning?: Using Shared Online Video to Engage Online Learners
  9. Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy
  10. A Silver Lining for Learning: Tapping into History while Tapping into the Future Via Video
  11. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World
  12. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World
  13. What is the Future of Learning?: Visions of Education in Our Changing Learning World!
  14. Education 20/20 meets Education 3.0: Visions of Our Changing Learning World!
  15. Education 20/20 meets Education 4.0: Visions of Our Changing Learning World!
  16. Technology Today, Technology Tomorrow: Might Learning Evolutions lead to Learning Revolutions?
  17. What is the Future of Learning?: Visions of Education 20/20 in Our Changing Learning World!
  18. Education 20/20: En“vision”ing the LAST Principles You ll Ever Need
  19. Learning IS Changing: Thirty Ways, Many More Visions!
  20. Education 20/20: Toward a Vision of Blended Learning Ideas and Beyond
  21. Learning is Changing: A (TEC-) VARIETY of Strategies for the Open Educational World
  22. We’re All in for a Transformation: MOOCs and Open Education in the Global South

Some Recent Breakout talks or Workshops
  1. Using AI for Academic Writing and Publishing Success
  2. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 1
  3. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 2
  4. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 3
  5. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 4
  6. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Fostering Successful Learning in a Self-Directed Learning World
  7. The HyFlex of Blended Learning with AI: Popular Frameworks for Powerful Learning
  8. Blend but Don’t Break: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 models
  9. Ultra-Engaging Online and Blended learning: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models
  10. Engaging Teaching with Technology: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models
  11. The G3 of Writing and Publishing Tips: Gentle Guidelines, Great Stories, and Gigantic Scholarly Gains
  12. Adding Some TEC-VARIETY in the Blended Classroom
  13. Engaging Online and Blended learning: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY Model
  14. Addressing Diverse Online Learner Needs and Motivation with the Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) and TEC-VARIETY Models
  15. Masterclass Part 1: 40+ Hyper-Engaging Strategies for Any Class Size: Low Risk, Low Cost, Low Time

Some Recent Research Talks:
  1. Embracing the Disrupted Language Teaching and Learning Field: Analyzing YouTube Content Creation Related to ChatGPT
  2. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner and Instructor Experiences in a Self-Directed Learning World
  3. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World
  4. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World

New 2 Part Masterclass:

Masterclass Part 1: Hyper-Engaging Instructional Strategies for Education 3.0: Critical, Creative, Collaborative

Abstract: The pervasive boredom of rote learning seen in Education 1.0 yielded to a more learner-centered age of Education 2.0 a few decades ago. With the COVID-19 pandemic, instructors around the world are confronted with many unique educational possibilities, challenges, and dilemmas. Fortunately, this is the age of Education 3.0 where learning is more informal, resource-rich, and self-directed and where learner creation of products is the new norm, often with the use of digital media. In this talk, Curt Bonk will detail 20 new roles of instructors during Education 3.0 that all start with the letter “C.” Education 3.0 instructors and experts whom we meet and interact are most effective as curators, counselors, consultants, concierges, and cultivators of our learning. Naturally, such new roles require a set of guiding principles. As such, Professor Bonk will detail a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Spontaneity, and the Principle of High Expectations.

In the second half talk, Dr. Bonk provides more than 50 ways to liven up your lectures and get your students involved and engaged in learning. These strategies will relate to creativity, critical thinking, cooperative and collaborative learning, and motivation. Importantly, each strategy will be laid out in a step-by-step approach. In addition, Dr. Bonk will discuss these in terms of the degree of risk, time, and cost and he will offer his advice for getting started with these tools and techniques. Attend this talk and become hyper-engaged yourself!


  1. Build-up one’s toolbox of instructional strategies for critical and creative thinking as well as collaborative learning and motivation.
  2. Discover the LAST principles of instruction and how implement them with the Learning Activation System Template.
  3. Determine the roles and metaphors of the Education 3.0 instructor that exemplify one’s own teaching philosophy or approach.
  4. Understand how to creative effective learning environments in the Age of Education 3.0.

Masterclass Part 2: Ultra-Engaging Online and Blended learning: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models

Abstract: In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is talking about the need to motivate and engage students. In response, instructors throughout the world are seeking to integrate online technology in effective and creative ways. In this session, Professor Curt Bonk will detail one of his designs for engaging online learning. He believes that learners simply want more variety, or more specifically, they want ‘TEC-VARIETY’. Fortunately, his “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online” book is free to download in both English and Chinese at: http://tec-variety.com/. To simplify Web-based learning possibilities, each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well-known motivational principle, including:

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In addition, he will discuss his model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) from his book, "Empowering Online Learning: 100 Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing." This model for online and blended learning can address different student learning strategies or preferences. When combined, R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY can enhance, elevate, and even transform the quality of technology-enhanced FTF classrooms as well as fully online and blended courses to meet diverse learner needs around the planet.




  1. Learn 10 fully documented and theoretically driven motivational principles that foster interactivity and engagement online.
  2. Have confidence to address diverse learners online.
  3. Find out how to inspire your online learners with an assembly of meaningful and purposeful learning activities. Simply put, bored and unengaged online learners will be a thing of the past.
  4. Discover a realistic path toward meaningful and engaging online learning.
  5. Grasp how to implement two simple and flexible frameworks–TEC-VARIETY and R2D2--for motivating and engaging online learners that work.
  6. Learn about research backed and proven interactive online ideas and activities.


Masterclass Options:

Eight-Part Masterclass for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning: Sampling across a Scrumptious Smorgasbord (select any or all parts, as needed)

Curt Bonk Abstract: Are you a sampler? Do you like a good buffet? Are you a multi-tasker? If you are, in this series of mini-sessions (or extended workshop), Curt Bonk will present many of his most popular talks and topics. It is a best of the best session. An “all you can eat” buffet. If you have attended one or more of his talks in the past, consider them prequels to what you will learn here. With his trusty R2D2 model in hand along with a tad bit of TEC-VARIETY, he boldly takes workshop participants to places that they have never encountered before.

While not light speed or warp power, each leg of this journey is a mere 30-60 minutes long followed by hands-on activities or question and answer sessions or both. Those attending can quickly and thoughtfully move from Jedi Initiate or Youngling to Padawan to a true Jedi Knight in this increasingly blended and fully online learning world. If you sign up for this mission, you will encounter beings in virtual, collaborative, interactive, ubiquitous, and highly mobile worlds. Web conferencing and other technologies combined with a set of previously mysterious pedagogical forces will take you to new instructional places and civilizations around the planet. When your mission is completed, you will be better prepared to seek out new forms of life in your classroom. May you boldly go where no online instructors and students have gone before. Engage #1!

Jedi Trainee as a “Padawan” (Parts 1-4): In the first part, Curt Bonk will walk you through the flipped classroom model and some of the history leading to flipped classroom models of learning. As he will note throughout the session, flipped classrooms can provide benifits in terms of infrastructure, time, pedagogy, and learning. Of course, baby steps are sometimes needed. Several examples of flipped classrooms will be provided along with a series of guidelines on use. Dr. Bonk will address the how’s, why’s, and what’s of the flipped classroom in Part I of this workshop. As many instructors and students realize, the flipped classroom model is really talking off today. In Part II, Bonk will explain how to use such free video in face-to-face, blended, and online courses from a student-centered as well as an instructor-centered perspective. But perhaps you want to address student motivation and retention in other ways, not just with video. You are in luck. In Part III, Bonk will lays out many options for you with his famed TEC-VARIETY model. Importantly, each letter of the model stands for one or more key motivational principles. After that, Bonk will provide dozens of examples of how to use his popular Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) technique for addressing online learning styles and the diverse learners of this world. From Bonk’s experience, all Jedi Knights need assistance from R2D2. When Part IV is complete, you all become Jedi Knights of the online learning world.

Jedi Knight Professional Development (Parts 5-8): Before departing for another galaxy, there are four more possible destinations. Bonk will bring you back to base camp with general ideas for mixing many of the ideas above together. This remixing or blending of ingredients is Part V. During this segment, he will document a few blended learning models and approaches and then outline a dozen or so common problems and then detail several blended learning solutions for each one. Those wanting ideas for active and collaborative learning, critical thinking, creative thinking, and motivation for any type of teaching situation, there is more...there is always more. He does that in Part VI with a sampling of low risk, low cost, low time activities as well as those further out on the edges of the risk continuum. Part VII is Dr. Bonk’s newest addition to the Masterclass. It is about the use of Web conferencing and videoconferencing to bring in outside guests and experts to help apprenticeship learners into exciting topics and cutting edge ideas. Bonk speaks from much experience in bringing in experts from around the planet in his own classes. Finally, in Part VIII, Professor Bonk details the possibilities in the wonderful world of MOOCs (i.e., massive open online courses). This includes an overview of the news and leadership principles related to MOOCs as well as the types of MOOCs, MOOC business plans, and tips and advice related to creating or teaching a MOOC.

These Masterclass workshops are really the best of the best. Check out this scrumptious smorgasbord of online delights. Pick whatever masterclass sessions appeal to you and get ready for some power-packed sessions. May the force be with you!

Masterclass Part 1: Are You Flipping Out or Flipping In?: The How’s, Why’s, and What’s of the Flipped Classroom Model
Masterclass Part 2: The Rise of Shared Online Video: The Fall of Traditional Instruction
Masterclass Part 3: Adding Some TEC-VARIETY and Star Wars Magic for Online Motivation and Retention
Masterclass Part 4: Where are You R2D2? Addressing Learning Styles and Diverse Learners with the Read, Reflect, Display, and Do Model
Masterclass Part 5: The HyFlex of Blended Learning with AI: Popular Frameworks for Powerful Learning
Masterclass Part 6: Hyper-Engaging Instructional Strategies for Any Class Size: Critical, Creative, Collaborative
Masterclass Part 7: Accessing Open Access Educational Resources: Augmenting and Accelerating the Apprenticeship Process
Masterclass Part 8: Taking Leadership in Mystery of MOOCs and the Mass Movement toward Open Education

Masterclass Part 1: Are You Flipping Out or Flipping In?: The How’s, Why’s, and What’s of the Flipped Classroom Model
Abstract: There is an intense movement today toward the notion of a flipped classroom. Budgets, technology development, media hype, free and open educational resources, and advances in learning theories have all accelerated the experimentation with the flipped classroom model. Yet, there remains much debate and resistance. And there is also much confusion about what it means; many educators, in fact, are flipping out over all the changes and expectations. In this session, Curt Bonk will address these issues by reviewing some of the history leading to flipped classroom models of learning. He will then document the benefits of flipped classrooms in terms of infrastructure, time, pedagogy, and learning. In addition, several examples of flipped classrooms will be provided along with a series of guidelines on use. Across this session, many of the how’s, why’s, and what’s of the flipped classroom will be discussed. In the end, instructors will begin to envision their own flipped classroom possibilities. Instead of flipping out, they will be flipping in.

Special Note: For those who are not yet ready to flip but want to explore the use of shared online video in the class, at the end of this talk, Curt Bonk will also offer some simple ways to use shared online video (e.g., TED talks, YouTube edu, CNN, the BBC, Google, Academic Earth, Fora TV) from both an instructor as well as a student perspective. He will also offer some tips and guidelines for the effective use of shared online video. Of course, there are videos appearing in the news each afternoon and evening which can serve to anchor one’s instruction and explain key concepts the following day in class. All of these exist for free and at a moment’s click. Importantly, there are many ways to use them for interactive, collaborative, and engaging instruction.

Masterclass Part 2: The Rise of Shared Online Video, the Fall of Traditional Learning
3D_anatomyAbstract: Hundreds of technologies exist for improving teaching and learning. There is one technology today that offers unique and inexpensive ways to change education and training across all sectors; namely, shared online video. There are video explanations, demonstrations, scenarios, documentaries, and lectures. Of course, there are videos appearing in the news each afternoon and evening which can serve to anchor one’s instruction and explain key concepts the following day in class. They come from places like NASA TV, Link TV, YouTube edu, CNN, the BBC, Google, TeacherTube, Academic Earth, Fora TV, etc. All of these exist for free and at a moment’s click. Importantly, there are many ways to use them for interactive, collaborative, and engaging instruction far beyond the talking heads of yesteryear. If you cannot find any, why then, just ask your students to produce them. It is time to create innovative courses which utilize open educational content related to images, animations, and shared online video content. As this happens, traditional forms of education will be challenged. To cope with these fast-changing times, Curt Bonk will offer 10 ways to use shared online video from an instructor-centered point of view as well as 10 ideas from a student-centered perspective. Curt Bonk will also offer a series of tips and guidelines for effective use of shared online video in the classroom.

Masterclass Part 3. Adding Some TEC-VARIETY and Star Wars Magic for Online Motivation and Retention
Abstract: Abstract: Everyone is talking about the need to motivate and engage students. This is true in face-to-face classrooms and is even more true in online environments. Many students are unhappy due to bland online content and unimaginative activities. It is too lock-step and mechanized. There is no room for flexibility, choice, and creativity. Many others are bored since the course does not utilize current technologies. They love their smartphones, tablets, and other wireless and mobile technologies and want their instructors to utilize them. Some feel that the instructors have not addressed their preferred learning approaches. They want hands-on activities where they produce something meaningful as well as time to explore the resources they find the Web. All these people tend to simply want more variety, or more specifically, they want ‘TEC-VARIETY’. To simplify Web-based learning possibilities, each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well-known motivational principle, including:
(1) Tone or climate,
(2) Encouragement or feedback,
(3) Curiosity,
(4) Variety,
(5) Autonomy or choice,
(6) Relevance and meaningfulness,
(7) Interactivity and collaboration,
(8) Engagement,
(9) Tension, and
(10) Yielding products and goal setting.

During this talk, Dr. Bonk will outline dozens of active learning ideas and solutions that motivate students and creatively engage them in deeper learning experiences. It is time to break out of boring online approaches with a bit of TEC-VARIETY!!!

Special Note: Everyone in this session will get free access to Curt Bonk’s new e-book ”Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online“ during this session.

Masterclass Part 4: Where are You R2D2?: Addressing Diverse Online Learner Needs with the Read, Reflect, Display, and Do Model
Abstract: Instructors, staff, and administrators are frustrated trying to keep up with the never ending parade of new learning technologies. So many choices! Few instructors were trained on how to develop highly interactive and collaborative online activities and environments, and they are told that students will quickly complain about their classes if they do not address their learning preferences or appropriately use the technologies that they have access to outside of school. Time to pull the hair out? Not yet. In this talk, Professor Bonk will share an innovative model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2), and detail dozens of examples and ways to use R2D2 make your use of technology more engaging, empowering, and exciting. This includes a new type of learning apprenticeship, using pedagogical innovations that extend the classroom to the world community and where instructors and peers come from different institutions and organizations. Perhaps it is time for you to taken an adventure to a new learning galaxy where you find R2D2 and begin using technology to address the diverse learners you find there.

Special Note: Chapter 1 is available with permission of the publisher at http://www.publicationshare.com/pdfs/Chapter-1-of-R2D2-100-activities-Book-by-Bonk-and-Zhang.pdf.

Masterclass Part 5: The HyFlex of Blended Learning with AI: Popular Frameworks for Powerful Learning
Abstract: There is both extensive confusion and much optimism about blended learning due to multiple blended learning definitions and approaches including the popular HyFlex model; generative AI is adding an exciting new dimension to such hybrid teaching and learning approaches. To addresses these issues, in this talk, Curt Bonk will lay out several different models and definitions of blended learning. Using his own “Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs” as a backdrop, the session will detail a plethora of blended learning activities and ideas. Perhaps, most importantly, Dr. Bonk will offer two simple yet powerful frameworks that can be used to understand hundreds of Web-based pedagogical ideas that can motivate students to high success in blended learning environments. Curt will provide these best practices in blended learning based on three decades of his research. Such blended learning ideas can creatively engage students into deeper and more powerful learning. He will reveal dozens of practical examples, including several dozen involving emerging generative AI technology, using his widely acclaimed R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do) framework for instructional design with technology. Not done, he will showcase his TEC-VARIETY model for student motivation with Web technology. Each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well-known motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products.). While detailing best practices he has seen around the globe, Curt will also discuss how his two methods can be expanded or altered to fit one’s particular blended learning preferences and needs, including those attempting to integrate generative AI into their teaching.

Masterclass Part 6: Hyper-Engaging Instructional Strategies for Any Class Size: Critical, Creative, Collaborative
Abstract: Are you bored with your teaching? Are your students? Are students dropping out like flies or wishing they could? Do you feel that new approaches simply take too much time or are too risky? Do you teach large section college classes with little space to move about? Do you not have much money in your department or program to make changes? In this talk, Dr. Bonk provides more than 40 ways to liven up your lectures and get your students involved and engaged in learning. There will be dozens of methods that you can use to motivate and engage your students in their learning. Some of the strategies will be very teacher-centered, while others will give students more ownership and control of the curriculum. These strategies will relate to creativity, critical thinking, cooperative and collaborative learning, and motivation. Importantly, each strategy will be laid out in a step-by-step approach. In addition, Dr. Bonk will discuss these in terms of the degree of risk, time, and cost and he will offer his advice for getting started with these tools and techniques. Attend this talk and become hyper-engaged yourself!

Masterclass Part 7: Accessing Open Access Educational Resources: Augmenting and Accelerating the Apprenticeship Process
oe_bonk.gif Abstract: Learning in any discipline is an apprenticeship process. In the not-too-distant past, this apprenticeship between the experts and novices primarily took place through books, classroom lectures, and an occasional internship or field placement. It was too often a unidirectional process from instructor and course to students. Today, open educational resources shift the role of instructor from content provider to resource curator or cultivator, learning concierge, and social network coordinator. When effectively designed, learners can explore and debate unique sets of online resources mined, filtered, and nominated by various instructors and prior students of a course. They can also meet well known authorities around the world as well as students enrolled in related courses in other universities and countries. Such individuals can appear with barely a moment’s notice using Web conferencing like Google Hangouts or Skype. Interactions with outside experts and peers can excite your learners into current trends, tools, and resources valued and used by others. Learners, in turn, grasp new perspectives and become more sensitive to how particularly content, ideas, and theories are actually applied in different cultures. Instructors can also anchor their lectures or reading assignments with video explanations, demonstrations, scenarios, documentaries, and speeches from these experts using existing videos found at places like TED, MIT World, Big Think, SciVee, BBC Learning, PBS Video, among hundreds of other sites. Such open access videos not only supplement course content but can make researchers, theorists, politicians, artists, and adventurers come to life. As this occurs, the instructor role shifts to one of learning concierge and course curator who continually augments and expands the course with open access content and course activities in an accelerating apprenticeship process.

Masterclass Part 8: Taking Leadership in Mystery of MOOCs and the Mass Movement toward Open Education
Abstract: Open education was often laughed at or ignored until the emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with their tens--or even hundreds--of thousands of learners in a single course. Given the mass success of Stanford courses topping 100,000 each and startups like Udacity and Coursera as well as the announcement of edX (from Harvard and MIT), we can no longer look the other way. Still, many questions about MOOCs and other forms of open education remain, such as those related to infrastructure, marketing, pedagogy, and assessment, to name a few. Just how does an instructor or trainer keep thousands of students motivated and involved in such a course? And what are the more promising business models? In this talk, Curt Bonk will detail a series of interesting recent reports and announcements related to MOOCs. He will frame the news from the standpoint of leadership in this fast emerging, yet highly murky field. Next, Dr. Bonk will describe more than a dozen different types of MOOC options as well as a range of business plans related to MOOCs. He will then detail his experiences in teaching a MOOC and offer guidelines for others hoping to create a highly engaging MOOC-based learning environment. In the end, MOOCs and mass movement to open education will hopefully no longer be such mystery.

Higher Education, K-12, Corporate and One Time Talks (* denotes Bonk favorites or popular talks)
  1. 100+ Hyper-Engaging Lecture Ideas For Any Class Size: Low-Risk, Low-Cost, Low Time (*)
  2. Awakening Dreams and Possibilities: Ushering in Education 5.0 with Generative AI
  3. A Mixed Methods Look at Self-Directed Online Learning…and the Design of Online Activities for Successful Online Experiences (Two-part talk)
  4. A Silver Lining for Learning?: Using Shared Online Video to Engage Online Learners
  5. Active Learning with Technology: Myths, Magic, and Mucho Motivation (*)
  6. Adding Some TEC-VARIETY for Online Motivation and Retention (shorter…newer)
  7. Addressing Diverse Online Learner Needs and Motivation with the Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) and TEC-VARIETY Models (*)
  8. Are You Flipping Out or Flipping In?: The How’s, Why’s, and What’s of the Flipped Classroom Model
  9. Best Practices for Online and Blended Learning: Introducing the R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY Models
  10. Blend but Don’t Break: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 models
  11. ChatGPT and Generative AI as a New Partner in Language Teaching and Learning: Views from YouTubers
  12. Education 20/20: En“vision”ing the LAST Principles You’ll Ever Need
  13. Education 20/20 meets Education 3.0: Visions of Our Changing Learning World!
  14. Education 20/20 meets Education 4.0: Visions of Our Changing Learning World!
  15. Education 20/20: Toward a Vision of Blended Learning Ideas and Beyond
  16. Education 20/20: Visions of a New Learning World
  17. Education 3.0: The Learning World of Middle Earth is Fast Changing!
  18. Embracing the Disrupted Language Teaching and Learning Field: Analyzing YouTube Content Creation Related to ChatGPT
  19. Engage, Number One: This is the Next Generation
  20. Engaging Teaching with Technology: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models
  21. Engaging Online and Blended learning: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY Model
  22. Exploring Life Changes from Open Education, MOOCs, and Beyond
  23. A Silver Lining for Learning: Tapping into History while Tapping into the Future Via Video
  24. From R2D2 to the Matrix: A Galaxy of Online Learning Style, Motivational, Blended Learning, and Learner-Centered Examples (*)
  25. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 1
  26. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 2
  27. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 3
  28. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 4
  29. How to Enhance, Extend and Even Transform Your Teaching with Hyper-Engaging Strategies
  30. Ideas, Approaches, and Strategies for DEI in the Learning, Design, and Technology Curriculum
  31. Learning is Changing: A (TEC-) Variety of Strategies for the Open Educational World
  32. Living in Tech City: 50+ Technology Trends and Innovations Transforming Workplace Learning, Education, and Our Lives
  33. Manufacturing Motivation in Online Language Teaching and Learning with Variety: TEC-VARIETY
  34. Meaningful Medical Instruction in the Digital Age: When Evolution Stumbles into a Revolution
  35. My Our Learning World has Changed: Now WE-ALL-LEARN with R2D2 and Beyond
  36. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner and Instructor Experiences in a Self-Directed Learning World
  37. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World
  38. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World
  39. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Fostering Successful Learning in a Self-Directed Learning World
  40. Slaying “I” Monsters: The Pros and Cons of Using SSCI as a Benchmark of Productivity
  41. Stretching the Edges of Technology-Enhanced Teaching: From Tinkering to Tottering to Totally Extreme Learning
  42. Technology Today, Technology Tomorrow: Might Learning Evolutions lead to Learning Revolutions?
  43. The HyFlex of Blended Learning with AI: Popular Frameworks for Powerful Learning
  44. The Learning World has Changed: Now WE-ALL-LEARN with R2D2 and Bit of TEC-VARIETY
  45. The G3 of Writing and Publishing Tips: Gentle Guidelines, Great Stories, and Gigantic Scholarly Gains
  46. The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education (*)
  47. Time to Wake Up from Our Innovative Learning Dreams and Make Smarter Learning a Reality
  48. Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy
  49. Using AI for Academic Writing and Publishing Success
  50. Ultra-Engaging Online and Blended learning: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models
  51. Using AI for Academic Writing and Publishing Success
  52. Using Shared Online Videos, Podcasts, and Webcasts to Apprentice and Engage Online Learners
  53. What is the Future of Learning?: Visions of Education 20/20 in Our Changing Learning World!
  54. What is the Future of Learning?: Visions of Education in Our Changing Learning World!

1. 100+ Hyper-Engaging Lecture Ideas For Any Class Size: Low-Risk, Low-Cost, Low Time

Abstract: Are you bored with your teaching? Are your students? Are students dropping out like flies or wishing they could? Do you feel that new approaches simply take too much time or are too risky? Do you teach large section college classes with little space to move about? Do you not have much money in your department or program to make changes? In this talk, Dr. Bonk provides more than 100 ways to liven up your lectures and get your students involved and engaged in learning. There will be dozens of methods that you can use to motivate and engage your students in their learning. Some of the strategies will be very teacher-centered, while others will give students more ownership and control of the curriculum. These strategies will relate to creativity, critical thinking, cooperative and collaborative learning, and motivation. Importantly, each strategy will be laid out in a step-by-step approach. In addition, Dr. Bonk will label each one in terms of the degree of risk, time, and cost and he will offer his advice for getting started with these tools and techniques. Attend this talk and become hyper-engaged yourself!

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

2. Awakening Dreams and Possibilities: Ushering in Education 5.0 with Generative AI

bonk.gif Abstract: For the past few decades, educators, psychologists, and researchers have been promoting highly interactive, innovative, and individualized learning forms of education. First, they placed the learner more in charge of their own learning with teachers as moderators and a focus on cognitive processes and strategies. This was called Education 2.0. Then they broadened the potential learning pathways with free, flexible, and open educational opportunities where learners engage in knowledge building communities and peer-based learning networks and called it Education 3.0. The next phase, Education 4.0, has been whispered about for the past decade, wherein learners of all ages find themselves in innovation-producing education and technology enhanced environments wherein they seamlessly enter enticing microworlds, highly engaging immersive learning experiences, fully immersive hands-on scenarios, high fidelity simulations and games, AI-based adaptive microlearning snippets, and completely free and open educational resources and courses on any topic. Enter Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT just two short years ago and now all this is possible and so much more. But all those learning dreams will prove pointless if they fail to address true problems or issues that some aspect of society is struggling with. It is time to wake up from such dreams of a glistening technological future and have our dream machines help us envision a world filled with open, informal, massive, generative, adaptive, nontraditional, and self-directed learning opportunities that address real-world problems. When that happens, we will truly have arrived in the age of smarter and more innovative forms of learning where the learner is finally in charge of the dreams. Only then will we see the awesome awakening of humankind in the upcoming “Learning Century” filled with the promise of Education 5.0.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

3. A Mixed Methods Look at Self-Directed Online Learning…and the Design of Online Activities for Successful Online Experiences (Two-part talk)

bonk.gif Abstract: On April 4, 2001 (i.e., “441”), Charles Vest, then president of MIT, made an historic announcement. He set a goal of having most of his university’s courses freely available on the Web in a decade. While some thought this to be a rather bold proclamation, today more than 2,000 MIT courses are available for self-directed learners around the globe to explore, download, use, and share. Suffice to say, we are in the midst of an incredible array of changes across all sectors of education that would have been unthinkable just a decade or two ago. People in remote parts of the world are learning from well-known professors at Princeton, Rice, Harvard, and MIT; typically, without a fee. Countless millions of individuals are engaged in self-directed, informal, and solitary learning experiences with open educational resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW). In response, this study explores the learning experiences of self-directed learners, including the common barriers, obstacles, motivations, and successes in such environments. It also explores possibilities for life change from the use of OER, OCW, and MOOCs. The findings not only capture the motivational variables involved in informal and self-directed learning experiences through informal education channels, but also provide a set of stories of life change that might inspire others into MOOCs, open education, and beyond. What can be done to foster these forms of self-directed learning in formal learning environments? In response, Professor Bonk will describe his popular TEC-VARIETY framework which stands for a well-known motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products). He will also detail his Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) model for addressing diverse learners. In the process, he will detail dozens of ways to motivate and engage learners, while fostering critical and creative thinking in highly engaging, generative environments. Attend this talk and become highly engaged yourself!

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

4. A Silver Lining for Learning?: Using Shared Online Video to Engage Online Learners

bonk.gif Abstract: Shared online video offers a unique knowledge portal to an assembly of the most adventurous and productive pioneers in the field. From a macro perspective, shared online video interviews of leaders in a field serve as an historical roadmap of the progress that has been made in the discipline as seen firsthand by people with decades of experience working in the trenches of it. Need a research or teaching idea? No problem. Just get some popcorn, watch a few of these videos from the giants of the field, and use your imagination. But, wait…there’s more. There is always more.

With the COVID-19 disruption, we are now provided with an opportunity to reimagine teaching and learning so as to create an equitable and humanistic learning ecosystem for all. Barriers and structures that have resisted much needed change are now in disarray, offering the chance for transformative improvements. Silver Lining for Learning seeks to begin this reimagining through a series of interactive conversations of emerging trends, disruptive policies, programs, and initiatives, and often controversial, murky, and unspoken topics. Begun in March 2020, Silver Lining for Learning is a weekly live Webcasted conversation and interactive discussion among a panel of visionary experts, Yong Zhao, Punya Mishra, Chris Dede, and Curt Bonk and their guests, about the future of education. To date, some 75 episodes have been recorded, and, like the AECT Legends and Legacy videos, they are now available for myriad educational uses by educators and learners around the world.

In this session, Curt Bonk will discuss his favorite episodes this far of Silver Lining for Learning and detail a range of innovative pedagogical uses. With such live webcasted events in YouTube and the later archived recordings, learners can be apprenticed by thought leaders around the planet, while the instructor role shifts from content provider to one of learning concierge and course curator who continually augments and expands his or her courses with open access content and course activities in an accelerating apprenticeship process. If you come to this session, be sure to bring a bag of popcorn and your imagination.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

5. Active Learning with Technology: Myths, Magic, and Mucho Motivation

Abstract: Myths and debates abound about the benefits of technology integration in higher education; especially with the explosion of online course enrollments. Based on extensive research, Curtis Bonk will dispel the myths and reveal a few technology magic tricks to help instructors and course designers focus on effective teaching and learning with technology. Dr. Bonk will highlight instructional technologies and pedagogical strategies currently emerging to meet diverse student needs. Within several contexts such as face-to-face classrooms, e-learning and blended learning, he will illustrate effective applications of technology to address different student learning styles and motivation. He will also provide dozens of active learning ideas and solutions that motivate students and creatively engage them in deeper learning experiences. Instead of relying on magic, these techniques will be based on ten motivational principles related to tone or climate, feedback, engagement, meaningfulness, choice, variety, curiosity, tension, interactivity and collaboration, and goal setting.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

6. Adding Some TEC-VARIETY for Online Motivation and Retention (shorter…newer)

IMG_5155.JPG Abstract: Ever see bored student faces? Are you looking for some spice in your classes? Curt Bonk’s new instructional design model for online learning -- TEC-VARIETY -- will break online instructors and students out of the mind-numbing online learning too often witnessed by bored learners. To simplify Web-based learning possibilities, each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well known motivational principle listed below. Near the end of this talk, Professor Bonk will also share a second innovative model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2), and detail numerous examples on how to use R2D2 make your blended and fully online learning activities more engaging, empowering, and exciting. This includes a new type of learning apprenticeship, using pedagogical innovations that extend the classroom to the world community and where instructors and peers come from different institutions and organizations. Fortunately, Bonk’s popular and free e-book highlighting this framework is available to download at: http://tec-variety.com/.

(1) Tone or climate,
(2) Encouragement or feedback,
(3) Curiosity,
(4) Variety,
(5) Autonomy or choice,
(6) Relevance and meaningfulness,
(7) Interactivity and collaboration,
(8) Engagement,
(9) Tension, and
(10) Yielding products and goal setting.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

7. Addressing Diverse Online Learner Needs and Motivation with the Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) and TEC-VARIETY Models

bonk Abstract: Motivation is a key issue in online and blended forms of learning. Another concern relates to developing interactive and collaborative activities and environments. Many online students drop out of courses or do not participate since they do not address their learning preferences. Others complain of the highly mechanized online instructional approaches that bore, or, worse still, insult them. Simply put, there is a dire need to creatively engage online students in deeper and more varied approaches to online learning. A new model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) is detailed in Curt Bonk’s book, "Empowering Online Learning: 100 Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing." This model for online and blended learning can address different student learning strategies or preferences. Bonk will discuss how the R2D2 method can be expanded or altered to fit your particular needs. He will also highlight his most recent instructional design method for online motivation and retention called TEC-VARIETY. Each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well known motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, yielding products, etc.). Bonk has hundreds of activities examples and of how to use either of these models. His 2014 book, Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online is free to the world in both English and Chinese; see: http://tec-variety.com/. When combined, R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY can enhance, elevate, and even transform the quality of fully online and blended courses to meet diverse learner needs around the planet.

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

8. Are You Flipping Out or Flipping In?: The How’s, Why’s, and What’s of the Flipped Classroom Model

image003.jpg Abstract: There is an intense movement today toward the notion of a flipped classroom. Budgets, technology development, media hype, free and open educational resources, and advances in learning theories have all accelerated the experimentation with the flipped classroom model. Yet, there remains much debate and resistance. And there is also much confusion about what it means; many educators, in fact, are flipping out over all the changes and expectations. In this session, Curt Bonk will address these issues by reviewing some of the history leading to flipped classroom models of learning. He will then document the benefits of flipped classrooms in terms of infrastructure, time, pedagogy, and learning. In addition, several examples of flipped classrooms will be provided along with a series of guidelines on use. Across this session, many of the how’s, why’s, and what’s of the flipped classroom will be discussed. In the end, instructors will begin to envision their own flipped classroom possibilities. Instead of flipping out, they will be flipping in.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

9. Best Practices for Online and Blended Learning: Introducing the R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY Models

bonk Abstract: There are dozens of new technologies emerging each year and endless ways in which they can be used for teaching and learning. So many technologies and pedagogical uses, in fact, that most instructors of higher education are overwhelmed. One solution for this problem is to locate and share best practices. As part of this "best practices" movement, Curt Bonk offers two simple yet powerful frameworks that can be used to understand hundreds of Web-based pedagogical ideas that can motivate students to high success in online learning environments. Bonk will provide these best practices in online teaching based on two decades of his research. Such ideas can creatively engage students into deeper and better learning. He will reveal dozens of practical examples using his widely acclaimed R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do) framework for instructional design with technology. Not done, he will showcase his TEC-VARIETY model for student motivation with Web technology. Each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well known motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products. See his free e-book “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY” with 100+ activities at: http://tec-variety.com/). While detailing best practices he has seen around the globe, Bonk will also discuss how his two methods can be expanded or altered to fit one’s particular preferences and needs. No matter what galaxy or planet you are on, these ideas and techniques can be linked student motivation, collaboration, interaction, and general engagement in the learning process. Those attending this session will walk away with many practical strategies that can be incorporated directly into face-to-face, blended, and virtual classes, events, or programs.

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

10. Blend but Don’t Break: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 models

Abstract: In the age of the pandemic, everyone is talking about the need to motivate and engage their online and blended students. In dealing with COVID-19, online instructors throughout the world are seeking to integrate technology in more effective and creative ways, while remaining cognizant of the disparity in student Internet access, basic digital learning competencies, and time, space, and hardware availability. In spite of these challenges, some have found ways to push the edge of the online teaching and learning envelope in new and innovative ways, whereas others have striven to find low risk, low cost, low time activities; in effect, they blend but don’t break. In response, Professor Curt Bonk will detail two of his designs for how to engage and empower learners and move them from bland online content and unimaginative activities to offering flexibility, choice, and creativity. In part, Bonk believes that learners want more variety, or more specifically, they want ‘TEC-VARIETY’. Fortunately, his “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online” book is free to download in both English and Chinese at: http://tec-variety.com/. Hence, you can creatively blend without breaking the bank!

To simplify Web-based learning possibilities, each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well-known motivational principle, including:
(1) Tone or climate,
(2) Encouragement or feedback,
(3) Curiosity,
(4) Variety,
(5) Autonomy or choice,
(6) Relevance and meaningfulness,
(7) Interactivity and collaboration,
(8) Engagement,
(9) Tension, and
(10) Yielding products and goal setting

In addition, he will discuss his model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) from his book, “Empowering Online Learning: 100 Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing.” This model for online and blended learning can address different student learning strategies or preferences. It also is purposefully designed to help one focus on addressing learner diversity and inclusion. When combined, R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY can enhance, elevate, and even transform the quality of technology-enhanced FTF classrooms as well as fully online and blended courses to meet diverse learner needs around the planet; which is especially valuable during the pandemic.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Obj 1: Utilize two different models/frameworks (i.e., R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY) from which to interpret and take advantage of technological and pedagogical trends.
  • Obj 2: Create engaging, interactive, and collaborative fully online and blended learning experiences.
  • Obj 3: Identify and select pedagogical ideas that can nurture learner interaction and engagement.
  • Obj 4: Share online resources, tools, and instructional strategies with colleagues.
  • Obj 5: Confidently begin to reflect on and address the backgrounds, experiences, expectations, and preferences of the widely diverse learners entering college classes today.
Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

11. ChatGPT and Generative AI as a New Partner in Language Teaching and Learning: Views from YouTubers

Abstract: Dozens of YouTube channels focusing on a diverse array of language learning topics have sprung up since November 2022 with the announcement of ChatGPT. In this talk, Curt Bonk will discuss his recent research on 140 YouTube videos related to ChatGPT for language learning that were identified and analyzed in the first few months after the launching. More importantly, he will share stories of how 20 YouTubers that he and his team interviewed are creatively employing ChatGPT to teach languages online. He will highlight their successes and what these YouTubers see as deemed advantages of ChatGPT for language learning as well as the many challenges and hopes for the future. He will also discuss how YouTubers self-direct their learning to learn about new and emerging technologies like generative AI. This talk should lend insights into understanding the possible roles and areas of impact for ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in language education. Importantly, he will share his two recent (summer of 2023) open access publications on this research.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

12. Education 20/20: En“vision”ing the LAST Principles You’ll Ever Need

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: Learning is changing. During the past few years, learning has become increasingly collaborative, global, mobile, modifiable, modular, massive, informal, immediate, self-directed, open, blended, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, and personal. And this is just a start! We are entering “Education 20/20;” an age of educational resource abundance where passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn take precedence over the more mind-numbing traditional information reception models of education. The instructors and experts whom we meet and interact with along the way are most effective as curators, counselors, consultants, concierges, and cultivators of our learning. In this talk, Curt Bonk will detail 20 such new roles. Naturally, such new roles require a unique and evolving set of guiding principles. As such, Professor Bonk will detail his 20 “LAST” principles of instruction from his “Learning Activation System Template” (LAST) including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of High Expectations, the Principle of Nontraditional Learning, etc. In addition, Bonk will provide two simple yet powerful frameworks that can be used to motivate diverse learners in face-to-face classrooms as well as blended and fully online learning environments. Bonk will reveal dozens of practical examples using his widely acclaimed R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do) model as well as his highly acclaimed TEC-VARIETY framework (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products.). Those attending this session will walk away with many practical strategies that can be incorporated directly into face-to-face, blended, and virtual classes, events, or programs.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

13. Education 20/20 meets Education 3.0: Visions of Our Changing Learning World!

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: In the third decade of the 21st century, learning has become increasingly collaborative, global, mobile, modifiable, open, online, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, personal, and much much more. Suffice to say, learning is changing. This is the age of Education 3.0 where learning is more informal, resource rich, and self-directed and where learner creation of products is the new norm. In this time of educational resource abundance, passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn take precedence. Instructors and experts are most effective as curators, consultants, and cultivators of our learning. And now such mentors and instructors can appear instantaneously on a mobile device. Naturally, such new roles require a set of guiding principles. As such, Professor Bonk will detail a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Spontaneity, and the Principle of High Expectations. He will discuss these in light of three megatrends related to learning technology today: (1) technologies for engagement; (2) technologies for pervasive access; and (3) technologies for the personalization and customization of learning. He will also take a moment to gaze into the future of learning as each of these megatrends evolve.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

14. Education 20/20 meets Education 4.0: Visions of Our Changing Learning World!

Abstract: The pervasive boredom of rote learning seen in Education 1.0 yielded to a more learner-centered age of Education 2.0 a few decades ago. Today instructors are confronted with the possibilities and dilemmas of Education 3.0. But now with climate change, economic unrest, the rise of robotics and AI, world population shifts, and so on, the innovation age of Education 4.0 is coming. This is the age of Education 3.0 where learning is more informal, resource-rich, and self-directed and where learner creation of products is the new norm, often with the use of digital media. During the past few years, learning has become increasingly collaborative, global, mobile, flipped, modifiable, open, online, blended, massive, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, instantaneous, on-demand, adaptive, and personal. We are living in an age of educational resource abundance where passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn to take precedence over the traditional information reception models of learning. The best instructors and experts today are most effective as curators, counselors, consultants, concierges, and cultivators of our learning. And now they can appear instantaneously on a mobile device. That is a sign that Education 4.0 is not far away. New instructor roles require a unique and evolving set of guiding principles. Professor Bonk will detail a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction with his “Learning Activation System Template” (LAST) including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Cheerfulness and Optimism, the Principle of Spontaneity, the Principle of High Expectations, the Principle of Nontraditional Learning, etc. Suffice to say, there is immense change around the world today related to new forms of learning typically involving technology. In fact, there are three megatrends related to learning technology today: (1) technologies for engagement; (2) technologies for pervasive access; and (3) technologies for the personalization and customization of learning. To better understand these new forms of learning delivery, Professor Bonk will discuss these three megatrends as well as his recent research on the personalization of e-learning. Along the way, insights will be offered into how one might teach in this new learning age.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

15. Education 20/20: Toward a Vision of Blended Learning Ideas and Beyond

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: In the third decade of the 21st century, humankind has entered the dawn of a new learning age. Learning is more problem-based, inquiry-driven, self-directed, informal, collaborative, global, open, visual, digitally rich, online, and so much more. In such transformational times, the role of the instructor or teacher is no longer as firmly cemented in the direct instructional and authoritarian past. Today, savvy instructors are at times a coach and cultivator of talents, and, at other times, a concierge, orchestra conductor, or curator finding the golden nuggets from the open educational world and offering learners a diverse and exciting array of learning paths and opportunities. Still other times, the instructor offers timely scaffolds and sage guidance as an on-demand consultant or counselor. There is also the increasingly vital role of course ambassador who excites the world into an emerging idea, event, or concept, or perhaps an entire course, program, or discipline through a massive open online course or “MOOC.” In this talk, Curt Bonk will detail 20 such new roles of instructors that all start with the letter “C.” He will explain the different mindsets and the associated rationale for each instructional metaphor. Naturally, such new roles require a unique and evolving set of guiding principles. As such, Professor Bonk will detail a set of 20 principles of instruction including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Cheerfulness and Optimism, the Principle of Spontaneity, the Principle of High Expectations, the Principle of Nontraditional Learning, etc. In a tongue-in-cheek play on David Merrill’s esteemed “First Principles of Instruction,” Bonk labels his “The Last Principles of Instruction.” Finally, Bonk will outline 20 issues or problems of teaching and associated solutions that when combined spell, “Blended Learning Ideas.” Attend this talk and walk away with your personal 20/20 vision of a highly exciting educational future that looms on the horizon.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

16. Education 20/20: Visions of a New Learning World

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: Pick up any bestselling book in the field of education these days and you will find proclamations and visions of how education can be enhanced. For a change, the authors of these books, reports, and news stories are right; we are in the midst of a learning revolution or transformation. During the past few years, learning has become increasingly collaborative and communal, global, mobile, modifiable, modular, informal, immediate, self-directed, open, blended, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, and personal. And this is just a start! We are entering “Education 20/20;” an age of educational resource abundance where passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn take precedence over the more mind-numbing traditional information reception models of learning. The instructors and experts whom we meet and interact with along the way are most effective as curators, counselors, consultants, concierges, and cultivators of our learning. In this talk, Curt Bonk will detail 20 such new roles. Education 20/20 instructors are the ones who foster our autonomy and self-directed learning pursuits while, simultaneously, offering insightful guides and timely scaffolds where and when appropriate. Naturally, such new roles require a unique and evolving set of guiding principles. As such, Professor Bonk will detail his 20 “LAST” principles of instruction from his “Learning Activation System Template” (LAST) including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Cheerfulness and Optimism, the Principle of Spontaneity, the Principle of High Expectations, the Principle of Nontraditional Learning, etc. In addition, Bonk will provide a plethora of examples of these principles in action along with critical and creative thinking strategies to liven up your lectures and motivate and engage your students in their learning. Suffice to say, there is immense change around the world today related to new forms of learning. Attend this talk and get a new vision for how Education 20/20 will impact you too and how you can, in turn, significantly impact it.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

17. Education 3.0: The Learning World of Middle Earth is Fast Changing!

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: In this keynote speech, Curt (the Red) Bonk returns to take refuge after a remarkable 20 year pilgrimage traversing the globe in search of best e-learning practices. What he has discovered during his absence will amaze you. He will take you on a captivating journey across distinctly different, and, at times, quite dangerous aspects of digital-based teaching and learning made possible by the affordances of the 21st century technology. Before attending this talk, Professor Bonk recommends that you read a bestselling book or two found these days in the all-too-charming field of education. In it, you’re likely to encounter stories about long ago days where wizardly educators like John Dewey and Sir Ken Robinson slayed giant misconceptions about how best to learn in this digitally enchanted world. Come to this talk and let Bonk walk you through many hidden passageways and through several secret doors. Along the way, you will encounter somewhat magical visions of how education is being transformed into a new type of fellowship for all learners no matter how small their physique or how pointy their ears. Suffice to say, the present learning revolution is affecting all the people of Middle Earth. During the past few years, learning has become increasingly collaborative, global, mobile, modifiable, open, online, blended, massive, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, instantaneous, and personal. And that is just the start of the journey! This is the age of Education 3.0 where learning is about playful and highly engaged design and where learner creation of products is the new norm, often with the use of digital media. We humans tinker, invent, and express ourselves. We find meaning in our playful pursuits. Fortunately, we are living in an age of educational resource abundance where passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn take precedence over the more mind-numbing traditional information reception models found in the land of Mordor. The instructors and experts whom we meet and interact with along the way are most effective not just as wizards but as curators, counsellors, consultants, concierges, and cultivators of our learning; while off to the silent and deep abyss are other instructional “C” words like learner coercion, credit management, and fixed notions of correctness. Education 3.0 instructors, many of whom have sought advice from the Council of Elrond, are the ones who foster learner autonomy and self-directed learning pursuits while, simultaneously, offering insightful guides and timely scaffolds as keen as elven kings where and when appropriate. Attend this joyful adventure of a talk and find out how Education 3.0 will impact on you and how you can, in turn, significantly impact it.

Of course, this is just the start of the saga of this conference. Come celebrate the many other wondrous stories which Bonk and several members of his merry band as well as many others will recount in the corridors, classrooms, dining halls, and taverns during this grand event. Their various tales will combine to help charter a new course for learning. By the end, you will become part of a unique fellowship that is destined to transform the lives of countless hobbits, elves, dwarfs, and, yes, even humans.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

18. Embracing the Disrupted Language Teaching and Learning Field: Analyzing YouTube Content Creation Related to ChatGPT

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: YouTube is a platform that enables people from diverse cultural backgrounds to both contribute to and benefit from. It provides a space for individuals to share their unique perspectives and practices in various fields. Since late 2022, dozens of YouTube channels rapidly emerged focusing on a diverse array of topics related to language learning with generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. This study explores the implementations and perspectives of YouTube content creators who now constitute an increasingly important segment of the ecosystem of language teaching and learning. A mixed-methods netnographic approach is employed, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. A total of 140 videos were identified, and after initial review of all, an in-depth content analysis was conducted on selected videos to uncover underlying themes. This session will provide attendees with practical knowledge, insights, and best practices for leveraging ChatGPT and AI technologies in language education within diverse language and cultural contexts. The study identified four main categories of creators were identified: educators, learners, technology professionals, and e-learning providers. Building upon the technical affordances of ChatGPT, this study further explores the perceptions of educational affordances when incorporating ChatGPT across languages discussed by language communities on YouTube and identifies best practices for its effective use in language education. By examining how YouTube content creators utilize ChatGPT or similar AI technologies, attendees can understand the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating AI from diverse languages and cultural backgrounds.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

19. Engage, Number One: This is the Next Generation

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: With his now famous directive, “Engage, Number One,” Jean-Luc Picard reminded us in nearly every episode of Star Trek Next Generation of the need to engage. The problem is that engagement has not been the number one concern of educators; instead, the top concern is survival. The result is that learners are too often bored with course resources and requirements. However, it is clear that they no longer are willing to look the other way as they might have in the early days of the Web. This next generation of learners is different. They want to be empowered. They seek learning innovation and variety. As such, they yearn for interaction, autonomy, and choice. They also long to “do” or produce something. They want to interact and collaborate with foreign peers. In response, he will discuss ways to use Web and videoconferencing to foster cultural interactions with distant peers. Free and open global education possibilities are exploding today. It time to take advantage of them. Gone are the days of read and respond. It is the age of “try it out” and make a contribution. Using his popular TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 models, Curt Bonk will detail dozens of ways to motivate and engage learners, while fostering critical and creative thinking in highly engaging, generative environments. Attend this talk and become hyper-engaged yourself! When done, learning engagement will truly be Number One again.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

20. Engaging Teaching with Technology: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: Everyone is talking about the need to motivate and engage students. This is true in face-to-face classrooms and is even more true in online environments. Blended learning environments offer clues on just how to engage the learners and move them from bland online content and unimaginative activities to offering flexibility, choice, and creativity. Some learners are bored since they want their instructors to utilize their smartphones, tablets, and other wireless and mobile technologies. Some feel that the instructors have not addressed their preferred learning approaches. They want hands-on activities where they produce something meaningful as well as time to explore the resources that they find the Web. In response, instructors throughout the world are seeking to integrate technology in effective and creative ways. Not surprisingly, many are turning to the notion of blended learning. One option Professor Bonk will detail for blended and fully online learning is to use the TEC-VARIETY framework. Each letter of the TEC-VARIETY framework stands for a well known motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products. Fortunately, his “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY” book is free to download in both English and Chinese at: http://tec-variety.com/. In addition, he will discuss his model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) from his book, "Empowering Online Learning: 100 Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing." This model for online and blended learning can address different student learning strategies or preferences. When combined, R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY can enhance, elevate, and even transform the quality of technology-enhanced FTF classrooms as well as fully online and blended courses to meet diverse learner needs around the planet.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

21. Engaging Online and Blended learning: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY Model

oe_bonk.gif Abstract: Everyone is talking about the need to motivate and engage students. This is true in face-to-face classrooms and is even more true in online environments. Blended learning environments offer clues on just how to engage the learners and move them from bland online content and unimaginative activities to offering flexibility, choice, and creativity. Some learners are bored since they want their instructors to utilize their smartphones, tablets, and other wireless and mobile technologies. Some feel that the instructors have not addressed their preferred learning approaches. They want hands-on activities where they produce something meaningful as well as time to explore the resources that they find the Web. In response, instructors throughout the world are seeking to integrate technology in effective and creative ways. Not surprisingly, many are turning to the notion of blended learning. However, there is both extensive confusion and much optimism about blended learning due to multiple blended learning definitions and approaches. Some might blend to take advantage of face-to-face and virtual learning opportunities. Others might blend to combine synchronous and asynchronous technologies to best meet student needs. In this session, Professor Bonk will clarify just what blended learning is and the describe dozens of exciting ways to blend your classes using different frameworks and models that he has designed. One options that he will detail for blended and fully online learning is to use the TEC-VARIETY framework. He believes that learners simply want more variety, or more specifically, they want ‘TEC-VARIETY’. Fortunately, his “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY” book is free to download in both English and Chinese at: http://tec-variety.com/. To simplify Web-based learning possibilities, each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well-known motivational principle, including:
(1) Tone or climate,
(2) Encouragement or feedback,
(3) Curiosity,
(4) Variety,
(5) Autonomy or choice,
(6) Relevance and meaningfulness,
(7) Interactivity and collaboration,
(8) Engagement,
(9) Tension, and
(10) Yielding products and goal setting

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

22. Exploring Life Changes from Open Education, MOOCs, and Beyond

Abstract: On April 4, 2001 (i.e., “441”), Charles Vest, then president of MIT, set a goal of having most of his university’s courses freely available on the Web in a decade. Today, millions of self-directed online learners around the globe are learning from OpenCourseWare (OCW) as well as thousands of courses taught by well-known professors delivered via massive open online courses (MOOCs) and similar experiments with open education. Most such informal learners simply want to explore a topic that they are intrigued by or yearn to learn something new. They are not interested in obtaining a certificate or degree. Unfortunately, much of the media and countless educators and politicians seem focused on retention and drop-out rates instead of actual learning and personal growth and development. At the same time, administrators salivate for assessing and credentialing such learning with “signature courses,” badges, and certificates of completion. For untold numbers of potential learners, such approaches are distractive, or, worse, demotivating. In response, the ideas and research presented in this talk explore the learning experiences, preferences, and expectations of self-directed learners, including the common barriers, obstacles, motivations, and successes. It also highlights the possibilities for life change from the use of OER, OCW, and MOOCs. These stories of identity and life change might inspire other learners to venture into MOOCs, open education, and beyond. And it may also shift us from a culture of learning assessors to learning assisters. Time will tell.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

23. A Silver Lining for Learning: Tapping into History while Tapping into the Future Via Video

Abstract: Sharing online video interviews with experts, such as the AECT Legends and Legacy series, can offer a unique knowledge portal to an assembly of the most adventurous and productive pioneers in one's field. At the start of the COVID-19 disruption, we were provided with an opportunity to reimagine teaching and learning so as to create an equitable and humanistic learning ecosystem for all. Barriers and structures that have resisted much needed change are now in disarray, offering the chance for transformative improvements. Silver Lining for Learning began reimagining through a series of interactive conversations of emerging trends, disruptive policies, programs, and initiatives, and often controversial, murky, and unspoken topics. Begun in March 2020, Silver Lining for Learning is a weekly live Webcasted conversation and interactive discussion among a panel of visionary experts and their guests about the future of education. To date, some 203 episodes have been recorded, and, like the AECT Legends and Legacy videos, they are now available for myriad educational uses by educators and learners around the world. In this session, Curt Bonk will discuss his favorite episodes this far of Silver Lining for Learning and detail a range of innovative pedagogical uses. With such live webcasted events in YouTube and the later archived recordings, learners can be apprenticed by thought leaders around the planet, while the instructor role shifts from content provider to one of learning concierge and course curator who continually augments and expands his or her courses with open access content and course activities in an accelerating apprenticeship process. If you come to this session, be sure to bring a bag of popcorn and your imagination.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

24. From R2D2 to the Matrix: A Galaxy of Online Learning Style, Motivational, Blended Learning, and Learner-Centered Examples

Abstract: Retention is a key issue in online learning. Another is developing interactive and collaborative activities and environments. Creating a motivational and interactive online environment can enhance student retention, completion, and overall enthusiasm for this new type of learning arena. Part of the solution that institutions of higher learning are adopting relates to blended learning and part relates to becoming more learner-centered. As part of this movement, in this talk, Curt Bonk will provide dozens of pedagogical ideas and solutions that motivate students in the online learning environments. Bonk will provide best practices in online teaching, based on two decades of his own research as well as many others, that creatively engage students into deeper and better learning. Using his new R2D2 learning style framework for online instructional design as well as his TEC-VARIETY model for online student motivation, he will also present engaging strategies that relate to different student learning strategies or preferences. He will also discuss how the R2D2 method can be expanded or altered to fit your particular needs. He will also highlight his most recent instructional design method called the MATRIX. No matter what galaxy or planet you are on, these ideas and techniques can be linked student motivation, collaboration, interaction, and general engagement in the learning process. Bonk will offer many such linkages. More importantly, specific steps will be provided for each technique described in this entertaining and informative talk. As a result, this session will include many practical strategies that can be incorporated directly into one's virtual classes, events, or programs.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

25. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 1

Abstract: For the past year, with every turn of the page someone seems to be shouting AI, AI, AI and still more AI. For many educators, this has meant drastically rethinking their traditional instructional ideas and approaches. However, far too many others have yet to recognize or admit to the pedagogical possibilities and necessities. Perhaps they may need a little prompting or prompt assistance. Or perhaps they just need understandable models, examples, and frameworks to guide them. In response, in this session, Curt Bonk will reveal dozens of the ways educators are already employing Generative AI in their instruction. For many of these examples, he will detail how they relate to his powerful Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (i.e., R2D2) model for addressing the diverse learners of this planet as well as his TEC-VARIETY framework for online motivation; the latter of which he will make available two free and open books for the participants. With these frameworks in hand, instructors can feel more confident in utilizing AI to foster learner curiosity, autonomy, interactivity, engagement, feedback, meaningful learning, and much more. Participants will also have the tools and resources to address and hopefully overcome the limitations of Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. Attend this session and begin contemplating your next steps into the fast-expanding world of AI in education.

Key Takeaways:

  • Obtain frameworks for reflecting on the use of AI in education.
  • Gain fresh insights into how and where Generative AI is being effectively employed in different settings and subject matter areas.
  • Feel more confident about one’s instructional strategies that incorporate ChatGPT and similar generative AI platforms.
  • Explore resources and templates have been developed during the past year by myriad educators and instructional designers.
  • Learn how to foster a learner-centered approach and engaging environment with Generative AI.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes for each part
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

26. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 2

Abstract: AI continues to gain significant attention in higher education, prompting faculty and instructors to rethink their traditional teaching methods. Although many have embraced AI's potential, educators need practical examples to help with implementation and assessment. In Part 1, Curt Bonk presented dozens of ways of utilizing ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms and tools in one’s instruction while situating their use in two of his widely used psychological frameworks, TEC-VARIETY and R2D2. In building on that previous session, in Part 2, Curt Bonk will showcase additional ways post-secondary educators are utilizing AI to reflect on and improve their teaching. In particular, he will feature dozens of unique activities intended to foster critical and creative thinking as well as learner collaboration and motivation. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to address and potentially overcome the limitations of AI tools such as ChatGPT in the context of higher education.

Key Takeaways:

  • Grasp how AI in education can impact learner critical and creative thinking as well as learner collaboration and overall motivation.
  • Gain fresh insights into how and where generative AI is being effectively used in different settings and subject areas to foster higher order thinking and motivation.
  • Feel more confident and comfortable about your instructional strategies that incorporate ChatGPT and similar generative AI platforms
  • Explore free learner and instructional resources and templates developed over the past year for ChatGPT and similar tools by educators and instructional designers
  • Learn how to foster a learner-centered approach and engaging environment with generative AI.
  • In this webinar, you’ll learn how to address and potentially overcome the limitations of AI tools such as ChatGPT in the context of higher education.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes for each part
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

27. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 3

Abstract: The launching of ChatGPT in November 2022 also launched countless conversations about how it and other Generative AI tools and platforms might transform teaching and learning in higher education. With each passing month since then, instructors and instructional designers in higher education institutions and organizations around the world have continued to experiment with Generative AI for innovative pedagogy. Now is the time to compile, compare, and categorize some of their instructional ideas and methods. In Part 1 of this series of AI pedagogy in higher education Webinars, Curt Bonk presented dozens of ways of utilizing ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms and tools in one's instruction while situating their use in two of his widely used psychological frameworks, TEC-VARIETY and R2D2. In building on that session, in Part 2, Curt showcased additional ways post-secondary educators are utilizing AI to reflect on and improve their teaching. In particular, he featured dozens of unique activities designed to foster critical and creative thinking as well as learner collaboration and motivation. Those attending this webinar for Part 3, will walk away more comfortable with Generative AI since they will learn dozens of simple and quite generic ways to integrate Generative AI seemingly on the fly as well as many other pedagogical activities that have more layers of specificity and depth. There promises to be something for everyone who attends this session.

Key Takeaways:

  • Form plans to integrate AI in education in one's instruction from basic or generic plans and instructional templates to instructional strategies with much more detailed layers of specificity and depth.
  • Find a safe harbor for experimenting and using Generative AI tools and platforms for one's pedagogical strategies and ideas.
  • Obtain a lingo for discussing how one utilizes Generative AI in instruction.
  • Feel more confident and comfortable about your instructional strategies that incorporate ChatGPT and similar generative AI platforms.
  • Discover and explore various new books, guides, instructional resources, and compendiums that detail Generative AI pedagogical ideas and applications.
  • Learn how to foster a learner-centered approach and engaging environment with generative AI.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes for each part
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

28. How Faculty Can Harness Generative AI for Enhanced Learning: Part 4

Abstract: During the past year, Curt Bonk has provided three webinars filled with pedagogical ideas and frameworks related to innovative pedagogy with Generative AI. Part 1 focused on numerous examples of strategies and instructional approaches involving AI that aligned with one of Dr. Bonk's prominent models and frameworks for motivating learners and addressing learner diversity, TEC-VARIETY and R2D2. In the second webinar (Part 2), he highlighted even more ways that instructors and instructional designers in higher education could foster critical and creative thinking while integrating Generative AI tools and platforms. Some of ideas of the second webinar also addressed learner collaboration and motivation. In the third webinar, he went back to the basics with simple or generic ideas and templates, while also moving forward with several strategies that entailed more layers of specificity and depth. In this fourth Generative AI for enhanced learning webinar, Curt Bonk will select what he feels are the most powerful and potentially effective ideas of the first three. Of course, he'll get the audience to offer their suggestions. Join us for this "Best of Bonk" webinar.

Key Takeaways:

  • Grasp the breadth of possible scenarios where one could successfully implement Generative AI in one's instruction.
  • Take comfort in finding many options for successfully deploying Generative AI in one's instruction.
  • Begin to recognize some of the available resources for AI in education.
  • Have a starting point for utilizing AI in one's instruction.
  • Build some personal guidelines for students to utilize Generative AI in their learning.
  • Obtain frameworks for planning for using Generative AI in one's instruction.
  • Design more interactive, engaging, and collaborative learning environments.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes for each part
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

29. How to Enhance, Extend and Even Transform Your Teaching with Hyper-Engaging Strategies

Abstract: Are you interested in active, engaging learning? What about hyper-engaging learning? Do you want to know how to foster critical and creative thinking as well as collaboration and technology integration? Do you focus too much on the risks and not enough on the opportunities? Do you want to be inspired by other innovative educators and rich examples?

Professor Curtis J. Bonk and Assistant Professor Meina Zhu from Wayne State University share how teachers from around the world are motivating and engaging their learners – and in the process, transforming education as we know it.

Sharing insights from their newly released book, Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration and Innovative Pedagogy, Dr. Bonk and Dr. Zhu provide more than 40 ways to liven up your classes and get your students more involved and engaged in their own learning. These strategies relate to creativity, critical thinking, cooperative and collaborative learning, and motivation, with a wide variety of innovative ideas for technology integration.

Key Takeaways
In this webinar, you’ll explore:

  • Hyper-engaging strategies to foster critical and creative thinking and collaborative learning in fully online, blended and face-to-face environments
  • Innovative ideas for technology integration in an increasingly digital world
  • Dozens of activities that are low risk, low cost and low time
  • Ways in which award-winning educators around the planet are implementing ideas from this webinar, and the challenges they have overcome
  • Education 20/20 as a framework to help integrate ideas from this session, which can ultimately lead to transformative teaching

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes for each part
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

30. Ideas, Approaches, and Strategies for DEI in the Learning, Design, and Technology Curriculum

Abstract: Addressing issues of learner diversity, equity, and inclusion are front and center in higher education and across every educational sector today. One of the disciplines that is attracting a highly diverse audience today is the field of learning, design, and technology (LDT) as learners today come from nearly every discipline. Poll any online LDT class and you will find that the learners come from not just the field of education, but from radiology, speech pathology, nursing, operations management, communications, agriculture, fashion design, language education, and dozens more disciplines. With online and blended learning technologies, such learners can attend from nearly anywhere within the inhabitable parts of the planet. Of course, their experiences, backgrounds, expectations, and needs are widely diverse as well. And when they finish their degrees or certificates, many of them will be designing and refining instruction for future leaders and innovators around the globe with widely disparate internet access, equipment, and financial resources. In this session, Curt Bonk will discuss ways he has successfully fostered a learning community in diverse LDT classes rich in interaction, engagement, and inclusion of all voices. Drawing on an abundance of open educational resources and knowledge of OER practices, he utilizes instructional techniques rich in choice, flexibility, autonomy, and multiple forms of representation. By the end of this session, there will be dozens of methods that you can use to motivate and engage the diverse learners of this world.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes for each part
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

31. Learning is Changing: A (TEC-) Variety of Strategies for the Open Educational World

Abstract: Make no mistake, learning has changed. It is now more mobile, collaborative, online, blended, ubiquitous, massive, informal, open, video-based, and personal. It is also more flipped, gesture-based, global, modifiable, comfortable, shareable, and flexible. The utopian visions of voice and finger controlled tablet computers, interactive online databases, and on-demand videoconferencing of Apple Computer’s “Knowledge Navigator” video from 1987 are now common today. Fast forward more than a quarter century and the education world is now highly open for learning. In the midst of this openness, instructors are taking on roles of learning concierges, consultants, curators, and cultivators, instead of credit managers. Thousands of organizations and scholars are sharing their course materials, expertise, and teaching ideas globally, thereby expanding learning opportunities and resources even further. But this is only part of the open education story. There are so many technologies and pedagogical opportunities, in fact, that most instructors of higher education are overwhelmed. In response, Curt Bonk offers two simple yet powerful frameworks that can be used to understand hundreds of Web-based pedagogical ideas that can motivate students to high success in online learning environments. Bonk will provide these best practices in online teaching based on two decades of his research. He will reveal dozens of practical examples using his widely acclaimed R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do) framework for instructional design with technology. Not done, he will showcase his TEC-VARIETY model for student motivation with Web technology. Each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well-known motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products.). Those attending this session will walk away with many practical strategies that can be incorporated directly into face-to-face, blended, and virtual classes, events, or programs.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 60 minutes to 120 minutes for each part
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

32. Living in Tech City: 50+ Learning Technology Trends and Innovations Transforming Work and Our Lives

Abstract: This session is geared toward learning and development professionals in a broad sense including trainers, training managers, human resources personnel, instructors and educators, learners, practitioners, and government officials who share an interest in contemporary advances in learning technologies that are shaping education for today’s and tomorrow’s learner. In this session, Professor Curt Bonk of Indiana University will discuss dozens of technologies and Web resources that have emerged over the past few years to transform corporate training as well as higher education and most other learning settings. Among these technologies tools are smartphones and smart watches, digital course resources, social books, social media, online talking dictionaries, video walls, virtual assistants, and Web conferencing. Also exploding at this time is enrollment in online or virtual learning, blended learning, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and the use of collaborative tools in such e-learning courses. While these 50+ technology trends and innovation are exciting and highly transformative, each has pros and cons in how they are used in different training and education spaces. To make it more personal, this session will, in part, be a presentation, and, in part, a conversation about learning technology trends and innovations.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

33. Manufacturing Motivation in Online Language Teaching and Learning with Variety: TEC-VARIETY

Abstract: Given the recent COVID-19 disruption, we are now provided with an opportunity to reimagine teaching and learning across all education sectors, subject areas, and age levels including English language classrooms. The time has come to awaken the creative talents of learners long dormant in traditional instruction and then celebrate these talents when they are on display. As imagination and inventiveness are fostered in different online learning tasks and activities, learner motivation is explicitly on display when learners suggest authentic projects and possibilities and then work nonstop to meet the highest standards of success. Motivation is apparent when English language learners don’t simply write a paper but generate and annotate multimedia books and open educational resources for their global peers. And motivation is nonstop in global collaborations and cultural exchanges with peers from other countries and cultures with events that are rich in perspective taking, empathy, sharing, critical thinking, debate, and varied forms of social exchanges. And when done, these same learners are asking for yet more such relevant and meaningful projects and problems to engage in. Some might suggest such activities are simply part of a decades long dream for more personalized and individualized instruction, when, in fact, they signify the myriad educational transformations occurring around the world right now. In this session, Professor Curt Bonk of Indiana University will detail dozens of ways that English language teachers can manufacture such pedagogically-rich transformations with his TEC-VARIETY framework. With this framework, any teacher can create learning environments filled with a warm and comfortable tone that fosters a sense of belonging and wellbeing. In such classrooms, there is also extensive encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, and sufficient tension, intrigue, and controversy, yielding innovative products never previously dreamt of. In this talk, Professor Bonk will highlight dozens of examples and ideas for English language instructors related to the TEC-VARIETY. Fortunately, his popular free e-book highlighting this framework is available to download at: http://tec-variety.com/. In addition, Curt Bonk and his colleague Dr. Elaine Khoo from New Zealand recently created a free online course for “Motivation and Supporting Online Learners” that highlights and updates their TEC-VARIETY framework at https://www.colvee.org/.

motivation, engagement, empowerment, online interaction, English language learning, transformation, creativity

Selected References:

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

34. Meaningful Medical Instruction in the Digital Age: When Evolution Stumbles into a Revolution

Short Version:

Meaningful Medical Instruction in the Digital Age:
When Evolution Stumbles into a Revolution

Curtis J. Bonk, Professor, Indiana University

Abstract: Meaningful medical instruction is all around us. A move towards more active and engaging learning environments has finally occurred with innovations and experimentations in community-based medical education, flipped classrooms, peer-based instruction and collaborative teams, and inquiry-based learning. Combine such learner-centered pedagogies with the assorted emerging learning technologies, and you have transformed what was once a slow-moving educational evolution into a dynamic and ceaseless revolution. No doubt most educators cannot keep up. In this high-energy and visually rich talk, Curt Bonk will detail a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction with his “learning activation system template” (LAST) and describe new roles for the healthcare educator. You must decide, is this an evolution or a revolution?

Long Version:

Meaningful Medical Instruction in the Digital Age:
When Evolution Stumbles into a Revolution

Curtis J. Bonk, Professor, Indiana University

Keynote Abstract: Meaningful medical instruction is all around us. We see this movement toward authentic learning on full display, whether it is enrolling in a blended problem-based learning dentistry program, using machine language models specific for diagnosis and prognosis of certain diseases, embarking on service learning in Kenya or Honduras in a global health program, engaging in high fidelity birthing simulations in a nursing program, or using integrative cases, animated clinical scenarios, or visual mapping to teach critical reasoning skills in optometry, physiology, and pharmacy courses. Of course, that was not always the case. For far too many decades, walking into most college classrooms, medical or not, was like watching a slow-motion video replay system of some nostalgic memories of the past. Nothing changed. However, a gradual nudging to toward more active and engaging learning environments has finally occurred with innovations and experimentations in community-based medical education, flipped classrooms, peer-based instruction and collaborative teams, and inquiry-based learning. Combine such learner centered pedagogies with the assorted emerging learning technologies of the past few decades such as audience response systems, blogging and other social media sharing sites to reflect on student healthcare training, mobile applications for anatomy lessons, interactive medical and healthcare games and simulations depicting the spreading of viruses, global interaction via videoconferencing in a public health course, three-dimensional animation and modeling of human organs, virtual reality chemistry and biology lessons, and massive open online classes and open courseware on the fundamentals of neuroscience, dementia, urology, and Parkinson’s disease, and you have transformed what was once a slow-moving educational evolution into a quite dynamic and ceaseless revolution. No doubt most medical and healthcare educators cannot keep up. In response, in this high-energy and visually rich talk, Curt Bonk will detail a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction with his “learning activation system template” (LAST). Such principles hover around making learning more meaningful and engaging for the learners of this digital age. Professor Bonk will also lay out the new roles for the medical instructor and healthcare educator. You must decide, is this an evolution or a revolution?

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

35. My Our Learning World has Changed: Now WE-ALL-LEARN with R2D2 and Beyond

Abstract: Make no mistake, learning has changed. It is now more collaborative, blended, ubiquitous, massive, informal, open, video-based, and personal. The utopian visions of voice and finger controlled tablet computers, interactive online databases, and on-demand videoconferencing of Apple Computer’s “Knowledge Navigator” video from 1987 are now common today. Fast forward a quarter century. In his book, the “World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education,” Curt Bonk offers an intriguing look at ten technology trends which he calls educational openers. When combined, the first letter of each opener spells the acronym: "WE-ALL-LEARN." This model helps make sense of the role of various technologies in open education, including open courseware, open access journals, open educational resources, and open information communities in Wikipedia, Facebook, YouTube, TED, and Twitter. In the midst of this openness, instructors are taking on roles of learning concierges, consultants, curators, and cultivators, instead of credit managers and camp commandants. With such technologies, thousands of organizations and scholars are sharing their course materials, expertise, and teaching ideas globally, thereby expanding learning opportunities and resources even further. But technology is only part of the open education equation. In this talk, Bonk provides two other frameworks or models which connect these never-ending waves of novel learning technologies to engaging pedagogy and robust psychological principles. One model for addressing diverse learner needs and preferences, namely R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do), will be highlighted first. Next, Bonk will end with his new TEC-VARIETY model for online student motivation and retention (i.e., Tone or climate, Encouragement or feedback, Curiosity, Variety, Autonomy, Relevance, Interactivity, Engagement, Tension, and Yielding products or goal setting). He will present several highly engaging online strategies that relate to different parts of this framework thereby linking nature (i.e., technology) to nurture (i.e., pedagogy).

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

36. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner and Instructor Experiences in a Self-Directed Learning World

Abstract: Open, online, and distance learning have always relied on a large percent of learners to self-direct their own learning. During the past decade, the emergence of open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) made self-directed learning (SDL) more prominent, essential, and celebrated. As would be expected when in a pandemic, the percent of people engaging in self-directed learning pursuits has multiplied. In response, Professor Curt Bonk at Indiana University has conducted a series of studies related to SDL in MOOC and OER environments. His studies with his advisee, Zixi Li, include how South American MOOC instructors design and deliver their courses to foster SDL. With surveys and interviews, they also have researched how tango dance instructors obtained their professional development in an online and self-directed fashion during the pandemic. On the learner side, Bonk and Li’s research includes interviews with MOOC learners regarding their perceptions of SDL when learning from MOOCs. For instance, during the past two years, Bonk and his team interviewed 13 high school students in Nepal about their SDL practices as well as seven Nepali teachers. During the pandemic, these students had received certificates after completing MOOCs to learn English and dozens of other topics from prestigious universities in the United States. The focus of that study was on the three key components of SDL, namely, self-management, self-monitoring, and motivation. In addition, Professor Bonk and Li recently conducted a study of online language learning using the popular platform Duolingo where they are investigating how this system supports and facilitates student self-directed learning (SDL). That study included a survey of 84 Duolingo learners and follow-up interviews with 10 such learners from around the world. Implications for instructional designers and educators will be discussed, including specific features that can be embedded in open, online, blended, and distance learning to foster notetaking, self-reflection, time management, and other strategies found to be beneficial for self-directing one’s learning. The findings of each of these four studies will lead to a set of 15 instructional design guidelines and strategies to foster SDL.

Key words: self-directed learning, MOOCs, open educational resources (OER), online language learning, motivation

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

37. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World

Abstract: Open, online, and distance learning have always relied on a large percent of learners to self-direct their own learning. During the past decade, the emergence of open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) made self-directed learning (SDL) more prominent, essential, and celebrated. As would be expected when in a pandemic, the percent of people engaging in self-directed learning pursuits has multiplied. In response, Professor Curt Bonk at Indiana University has conducted a series of studies related to SDL in MOOC and OER environments. His studies with Dr. Meina Zhu include how MOOC instructors design and deliver their courses to foster SDL. On the learner side, Bonk and Zhu’s research includes interviews of 15 MOOC learners regarding their perceptions of SDL when learning from MOOCs. The focus of that study was on the three key components of SDL, namely, self-management, self-monitoring, and motivation. In addition, Professor Bonk recently conducted a study of online language learning using the popular platform Duolingo where they are investigating how this system supports and facilitates student self-directed learning (SDL). That study included a survey of 84 Duolingo learners and follow-up interviews with 10 such learners from around the world. Currently, Bonk and his team are interviewing high school students in Nepal about their SDL practices. During the pandemic, these students have received certificates after completing MOOCs to learn English and dozens of other topics from prestigious universities in the United States. Implications for instructional designers and educators will be discussed, including specific features that can be embedded in MOOCs and OER to foster notetaking, self-reflection, time management, and other strategies found to be beneficial for self-directing one’s learning.

Key words: self-directed learning, MOOCs, open educational resources (OER), online language learning, motivation

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

38. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Exploring Learner Choices, Experiences, and Possibilities in a Self-Directed Learning World

Abstract: Open, online, and distance learning have always relied on a large percent of learners to self-direct their own learning. During the past decade, the emergence of open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) made self-directed learning (SDL) more prominent, essential, and celebrated. As would be expected when in a pandemic, the percent of people engaging in self-directed learning pursuits has multiplied. In response, Professor Curt Bonk at Indiana University and Meina Zhu at Wayne State University have conducted a series of studies related to SDL in MOOC and OER environments. Their numerous studies include how MOOC instructors design and deliver their courses to foster SDL. On the learner side, Bonk and Zhu's research includes interviews of 15 MOOC learners regarding their perceptions of SDL when learning from MOOCs. The focus of that study was on the three key components of SDL, namely, self-management, self-monitoring, and motivation. In addition, Professor Bonk has also conducted a study of online language learning using the popular platform Duolingo where he has investigated how this system supports and facilitates student self-directed learning (SDL). That study included a survey of 84 Duolingo learners and follow-up interviews with 10 such learners from around the world. Bonk and his team have also interviewed high school students in Nepal about their SDL practices. During the pandemic, these students have received certificates after completing MOOCs to learn English and dozens of other topics from prestigious universities in the United States. Most recently, he has explored SDL in generative AI environments for online language learning. He will detail that research at the end. Curt Bonk and Meina Zhu will discuss implications for instructional designers and educators, including specific features that can be embedded in MOOCs and OER to foster notetaking, self-reflection, time management, and other strategies found to be beneficial for self-directing one's learning.

Key words: self-directed learning, MOOCs, open educational resources (OER), online language learning, motivation

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

39. Self-Direct to Learn, Self-Direct to Live: Fostering Successful Learning in a Self-Directed Learning World

Abstract: Open, online, and distance learning have always relied on a large percent of learners to self-direct their own learning. During the past decade, the emergence of open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) made self-directed learning (SDL) more prominent, essential, and celebrated. As would be expected, during the recent pandemic, the percent of people engaging in SDL pursuits multiplied and it continues to grow. In response, Professor Curt Bonk at Indiana University has conducted a series of studies related to SDL in online learning and massive open online course (MOOC) environments. These studies have recently led to a set of 15 SDL guidelines and a 24 item SDL checklist. In this talk, some of the implications for instructional designers and educators will be discussed, including specific features that can be embedded in open, online, blended, and distance learning to foster notetaking, self-reflection, time management, and other strategies found to be beneficial for self-directing one’s learning. More specifically, the SDL checklist features include content chunking, progress indicators, estimated time frames, course reminders, gamification techniques, and application exercises and much more. In terms of the recently published SDL guidelines, when educators and instructional designers encourage online learners to make course related plans and goals as well as embed quizzes for self-assessment, craft visuals showing work progress and tasks completed, and provide timely and relevant reflection questions, they can directly support learner SDL and ultimate course satisfaction and success. Attend this session and be inspired by the many opportunities you now have to foster SDL with your learners as well as learners around the world that you never previously reached.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

40. Slaying “I” Monsters: The Pros and Cons of Using SSCI as a Benchmark of Productivity

Abstract: There are drums beating in higher education settings around the world for higher rankings and the prestige that comes with it. Every university is gunning for top rankings and respect. Many universities are fixating on publications as their route to worldwide acclaim. Specifically, they want publications that are prominently listed in SSCI (Social Science Citation Index), SCI (Science Citation Index), and A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) journals. Governments and institutions of higher learning have backed this effort up with hefty pay raises and bonuses, distinguished titles, and monumental perks. Publishing in SSCI denotes status and success. For many, especially those in east Asia, it is the coin of the realm. Could it be that this three-headed “I” monster or beast has totally slayed the merit and value systems for scholars and researchers of these countries? Some universities in Taiwan, in fact, have even adopted an “I” point system for promotion and merit. And doctoral students there are not able to graduate without accumulating enough “I” points or publications. In this talk, Curt Bonk will describe 12 pros (e.g., goals, benchmarks, pride, and improved quality) and 27 cons (e.g., rats in a cage, greed, narrow focus, limited creativity, elitism, etc.) of the use of SSCI publications as a measure of researcher productivity. Those in attendance should gain the courage needed to slay any “I” monsters hiding their bed or in their closet.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

41. Stretching the Edges of Technology-Enhanced Teaching: From Tinkering to Tottering to Totally Extreme Learning

Abstract: Look left, look right, look back, and then look dead-on straight ahead...what do you see? Of course, the air is filled with e-learning opportunities as well as talk of learning and education transformations. So much news. So much progress. The world of technology-enhanced learning is looking up, up, up. But wait a minute. Far too many in corporate training and higher education are content to tinker with blended forms of learning. They dip their toes into the technology change movement by embedding e-books, shared online videos, simulations, timelines, collaborative groups, mobile activities, and open access articles in their online training events and courses. Others might take greater risks with flipped classrooms, accessing experts for live demonstrations, having learners themselves generate content, or finding creative ways of reusing MOOC and open education content. At some point, we need to enter deeper waters and push toward the edges of what is possible while teeter-tottering on the brink of transformation. We need frameworks for doing so. In this talk, Curt Bonk provides two other frameworks or models which connect these never-ending waves of novel learning technologies to engaging pedagogy and robust psychological principles. One model for addressing diverse learner needs and preferences, namely R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do), will be highlighted first. After that, Bonk will end with his new TEC-VARIETY model for online student motivation and retention (i.e., Tone or climate, Encouragement or feedback, Curiosity, Variety, Autonomy, Relevance, Interactivity, Engagement, Tension, and Yielding products or goal setting). He has written a new book on the TEC-VARIETY framework which is free as an e-book that anyone attending the conference can download at http://tec-variety.com/. With these two models and frameworks, we can stretch toward the edges of learning from those of us tinkering on the shores to those whose learning approaches are tottering in new directions and even landing in totally extreme or alien lands. This talk will showcase examples from all three worlds - the world of the tinkerer, the totterer, and the totally extreme. In which world would you like to find yourself?

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

42. Technology Today, Technology Tomorrow: Might Learning Evolutions lead to Learning Revolutions?

Abstract: Change is inevitable. Technology change is pervasive; especially in the age of ChatGPT. Yesterday's technologies wiped entire industries and occupations. Today's technologies are accelerating these changes, and are, in particular, transforming the field of education. Learning is definitely changing. There is now a pervasive need for innovations in how we teach and how we learn. In response, Professor Bonk will detail a set of 20 "last" principles of instruction including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Spontaneity, and the Principle of High Expectations. He will also highlight new roles for instructors in light of these principles. Next, he will discuss these in light of three megatrends related to learning technology today: (1) the technologies for engagement; (2) the technologies for pervasive access; and (3) the technologies for the personalization and customization of learning. He will also take a moment to gaze into the future of learning as each of these megatrends evolve. In the third decade of the 21st century, learning has become increasingly flipped, social, collaborative, global, game-like, mobile, modifiable, open, online, visually-based, hands-on, ubiquitous, personal, and much much more. Without a doubt, ChatGPT and other Generative AI platforms have richly expanded and dramatically transformed all these forms of learning. Is this an evolution or a revolution? Professor Bonk will let the audience decide.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

43. The HyFlex of Blended Learning with AI: Popular Frameworks for Powerful Learning

Abstract: There is both extensive confusion and much optimism about blended learning due to multiple blended learning definitions and approaches including the popular HyFlex model; generative AI is adding an exciting new dimension to such hybrid teaching and learning approaches. To addresses these issues, in this talk, Curt Bonk will lay out several different models and definitions of blended learning. Using his own “Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs” as a backdrop, the session will detail a plethora of blended learning activities and ideas. Perhaps, most importantly, Dr. Bonk will offer two simple yet powerful frameworks that can be used to understand hundreds of Web-based pedagogical ideas that can motivate students to high success in blended learning environments. Curt will provide these best practices in blended learning based on three decades of his research. Such blended learning ideas can creatively engage students into deeper and more powerful learning. He will reveal dozens of practical examples, including several dozen involving emerging generative AI technology, using his widely acclaimed R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do) framework for instructional design with technology. Not done, he will showcase his TEC-VARIETY model for student motivation with Web technology. Each letter of the TEC-VARIETY model stands for a well-known motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products.). While detailing best practices he has seen around the globe, Curt will also discuss how his two methods can be expanded or altered to fit one’s particular blended learning preferences and needs, including those attempting to integrate generative AI into their teaching.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

44. The Learning World has Changed: Now WE-ALL-LEARN with R2D2 and Bit of TEC-VARIETY

Abstract: Make no mistake, learning has changed. It is now more collaborative, ubiquitous, massive, informal, open, video-based, and personal. The utopian visions of voice and finger controlled tablet computers, interactive online databases, and on-demand videoconferencing of Apple Computer’s “Knowledge Navigator” video from 1987 are now common today. Fast forward a quarter century. In his book, the “World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education,” Curt Bonk offers an intriguing look at ten technology trends which he calls educational openers. When combined, the first letter of each opener spells the acronym: "WE-ALL-LEARN." This model helps make sense of the role of various technologies in open education, including open courseware, open source software, open access journals, open educational resources, and open information communities. As part of this talk, he will discuss e-books, podcasts, streamed videos, online learning portals social networking tools like Facebook and Ning, YouTube videos, wikis, and virtual worlds. With such technologies, thousands of organizations and scholars are sharing their course materials, expertise, and teaching ideas globally, thereby expanding learning opportunities and resources even further. But technology is only part of the open education equation. In this talk, Bonk provides two other frameworks or models which connect these never-ending waves of novel learning technologies to engaging pedagogy and robust psychological principles. One model for addressing diverse learner needs and preferences, namely R2D2 (Read, Reflect, Display, and Do), will be highlighted first. Next, Bonk will end with his new TEC-VARIETY model for online student motivation and retention (i.e., Tone or climate, Encouragement or feedback, Curiosity, Variety, Autonomy, Relevance, Interactivity, Engagement, Tension, and Yielding products or goal setting). He will present several highly engaging online strategies that relate to different parts of this framework thereby linking nature (i.e., technology) to nurture (i.e., pedagogy).

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session, or workshop
Audience All, though primarily higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

45. The G3 of Writing and Publishing: Gentle Guidelines, Great Stories, and Gigantic Gains

Lead: Curtis J. Bonk, Indiana University

Focus and Audience
This session is targeted at graduate students, supervisors, researchers, early career researchers, and others interested in conducting research and publishing in educational and instructional technology.

Session Takeaways and Objectives
  1. Develop a set of writing goals and plans for publishing.
  2. Become aware of the range of journal in which to publish.
  3. Learn how to avoid predator journals.
  4. Start to gain more confident as a writer.
  5. Develop and monitor writing goals and plans for publishing with timelines.
  6. Make better decisions on journal outlets appropriate for their scholarship.
  7. Learn how to find a writing routine that works.
  8. Discover the habits of highly productive writers.
  9. Overcome the writing difficulties and challenges of an early career scholar.
  10. Gain advice and insights on getting published from an early career and more senior faculty member’s perspective.
  11. Learn 10 ways to make sure your writing happens.
  12. Ponder how to redesign your writing space
Session Description
Journal outlets in the field of online and distance learning are exploding. Yet, the first few years as a researcher, faculty member, graduate student, and scholar can be overwhelming. Your first priority might be preparing lecture notes and new courses and then getting a research program initiated with new grants and projects. In response, this session will offer a wealth of suggestions and insights on organizing research teams, revising articles, corresponding with journal editors, and finding and selecting the appropriate dissemination outlet. In effect, this session offers a practical set of advice and insights into the processes and structures of writing that will help establish an academic writing program and lead one to a series of writing successes.

Attempts to publish your research results or disseminate information on your course innovations is often pushed off far away into the distance. In response, Professor Curt Bonk has designed a simple writing guide or set of writing tips. He has also gathered writing advice and handouts from many others. Professor Bonk’s advice is based on more than 420 publications and 20 books (including one that was self-published and has been downloaded more than 260,000 times; see http://tec-variety.com/). Curt has published dozens of articles during the pandemic, which he has termed pandemic publishing.

While today writing can be conducted just about anywhere, successful academic writers often find that creating a designated writing space – both physically and digitally – can be helpful in orienting the mind to begin, progress, and ultimately complete an assortment of academic writing projects. In this session, Curt Bonk will journey through stories about their own personal writing spaces, describing key elements of the writer’s desk that contribute to inspiration, motivation, and organization for academic writing. He will also discuss the writing habits and strategies that he typically employs to create highly attuned spaces for writing amongst competing scholarly and personal demands. Along the way, he will highlight some of their most definitive successes as well as how he navigated through the various disappointments, failures, and challenges of academic writing.

publishing success, writing, productivity, motivation tips

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

46. The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education.

3D_anatomy Abstract: According to Thomas Friedman's book, The World is Flat, worldwide economic trends are flattening. In education, however, opportunities for learning are actually expanding or opening up through a myriad of emerging distance technologies. These opportunities can be seen in ten technology trends that spell the acronym: "WE-ALL-LEARN." Online content in the form of e-books, podcasts, streamed videos, YouTube videos, social networking, wikis, and alternate reality worlds continues to open new learning pathways. At the same time, more instructors are sharing their course materials and teaching ideas globally, thereby expanding learning opportunities and resources. And the software used to deliver such online learning contents and experiences is increasingly available as open source. Curt Bonk will address these issues while enticing participants to think of implications for their organizations, countries, and regions of the world as well as for themselves as leaders and learners. Note that the WE-ALL-LEARN model is described in Curt Bonks latest book, "The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education." This book is published by Jossey Bass in July 2009 and has a coinciding e-book with different content. The e-book and all book references and resources can be found at WorldisOpen.com. Extensive examples and advice will be provided.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

47. Time to Wake Up from Our Innovative Learning Dreams and Make Smarter Learning a Reality

3D_anatomy Abstract: For a half century, educators, psychologists, and researchers have been predicting that highly intensive, innovative, and individualized learning formats are only a few years away. Learners of all ages would enter enticing microworlds, highly engaging learning experience holodecks, fully immersive hands-on scenarios, high fidelity simulations and games, AI-based adaptive microlearning snippets, and completely free and open educational resources and courses on any topic. Massive open online classes were promised one day and then on demand microlearning snippets were delivered in the next. The learning related dreams we had in past decades were quickly forgotten as the next wave of learning technology came along. But all those dreams will prove pointless if they fail to address true problems or issues that some aspect of society is struggling with. It is time to wake up from such dreams of a glistening technological future and have our dream machines help us envision a world filled with open, informal, adaptive, nontraditional, and self-directed learning opportunities. When that happens, we will truly have arrived in the age of smarter and more innovative forms of learning where the learner is finally in charge of the dreams.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

48. Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy.
      Curtis J. Bonk, Indiana University and Meina Zhu, Wayne State University

3D_anatomy Abstract: Are you interested in active and engaging learning? Do you want to know how to foster critical and creative thinking as well as collaboration and technology integration? Do you want to be inspired by innovative teachers? Well you’re in luck. A new book from Professor Curtis J. Bonk and Professor Meina Zhu contains 41 short stories from award winning Fulbright teachers around the globe who enrolled in a course at Indiana University on instructional strategies for thinking, collaboration, and motivation, including technology integration. These outstanding teachers write their stories about education in India, Morocco, mainland China and Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Finland, Botswana, New Zealand, Mexico, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Cyprus, Korea, Rwanda, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Israel, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Papua New Guinea, and the USA. The book authors tell emotional, educationally powerful, and highly impactful stories of transformative changes in their classrooms, communities, and countries. Many of their stories relate to the use of innovative technology during the pandemic as well as global technologies for international exchanges and collaboration among K-12 students in different countries. Attend this talk and find out how teachers around the planet are motivating and engaging their learners and transforming education as we know it. If you are you looking to foster creativity, critical thinking, cooperative and collaborative learning, motivation, or technology integration, you will have come to the right session.

Bonk, C. J., & Zhu, M. (Eds.). (2022) Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy. NY: Routledge. Available: https://www.routledge.com/Transformative-Teaching-Around-the-World-Stories-of-Cultural-Impact-Technology/Bonk-Zhu/p/book/9781032073798

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

49. Ultra-Engaging Online and Blended learning: Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models

Two-Part Breakout/Workshop on Ultra-Engaging Learning

Breakout/Workshop Session # 1:

Ultra-Engaging Learning with Technology:
Introducing the TEC-VARIETY and R2D2 Models

Curtis J. Bonk, Professor, Indiana University

3D_anatomyAbstract: Everyone is talking about the need to motivate and engage students. Blended and fully online learning environments offer clues on just how to engage the learners and move them from bland online content and unimaginative activities to offering flexibility, choice, and creativity while still strengthening essential knowledge, skills, and ability. Some learners are bored since they want their instructors to utilize their smartphones, tablets, and other wireless and mobile technologies. Many want hands-on activities where they produce something meaningful as well as time to explore the resources that they find on the Web. Your students are likely no different. In response, in this first of two breakout talks, Professor Bonk will detail one of his designs for engaging instructional approaches with technology across a range of fields using the “TEC-VARIETY” framework (i.e., the motivational principles of: Tone or climate, Encouragement or feedback, Curiosity, Variety, Autonomy, Relevance, Interactivity, Engagement, Tension, and Yielding products or goal setting), from his free online book Adding Some TEC-VARIETY. In addition, Professor Bonk will discuss his model called Read, Reflect, Display, and Do (R2D2) from his “Empowering Online Learning” book. This model for online and blended learning can address different diverse student learning strategies or preferences. When combined, R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY can enhance, elevate, and even transform the quality of technology-enhanced FTF classrooms as well as fully online and blended courses to meet diverse learner needs.

Breakout/Workshop Session # 2:

Ultra-Engaging Online, Blended, and FTF Learning:
50 Low Risk, Low Cost, Low Time Strategies

Curtis J. Bonk, Professor, Indiana University

3D_anatomyAbstract: Are you new to teaching; be it, face-to-face (FTF), blended, or fully online? Perhaps you find yourself disappointed or even a bit bored with your instructional approaches and activities. Or perhaps you are concerned with your students. Are they losing interest or not getting anything out of what you thought were quite unique and seemingly “innovative” techniques? Are you frustrated but feel that new approaches simply take too much time or are too risky? Do you not have enough money, time, energy, risk muscle, or resources to make any changes in your activities, instruction, or pedagogical approaches? In this talk, Dr. Bonk provides more than 50+ proven ways to liven up your face-to-face classes, blended activities, and online training across a wide range of fields that are low in time, low in risk, and low in cost; many of which have decades of psychological research that attests to their high impact. There will be dozens of methods and practical examples in medicine, nursing, business, education, engineering, computer science, psychology, pharmacy, health sciences, and a range of other disciplines that you can use to motivate and engage your students in their learning. Importantly, many of these strategies and activities will relate to creativity, critical thinking, cooperative and collaborative learning, and motivation. In addition, using his own “Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs,” Professor Bonk will detail several different models and definitions of blended learning as well as the various advantages and disadvantages of blended learning. In addition, Dr. Bonk will provide labels for each strategy or idea mentioned while offering his advice for getting started with these tools and techniques. Attend this talk and become ultra-engaged yourself!

Breakout Interactive Giveaways: At different moments in these breakout talks, Professor Bonk will give away around 40-50 copies of his book, “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online,” which is related to motivating learners with interactive and online technology. Attendees can also download this book online for free before, during, or after the session at: http://tec-variety.com/; in fact, more than 200,000 people have downloaded part or all of this book since 2014. The person asking the best question after the breakout sessions will receive a signed copy of his “Empowering Online Learning” (i.e., R2D2) book with 100 more activities and ideas for addressing learner diversity in building interactive and engaging learning. Don’t miss out!

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Obj 1: Utilize two different models/frameworks (i.e., R2D2 and TEC-VARIETY) from which to interpret and take advantage of technological and pedagogical trends.
  • Obj 2: Create engaging, interactive, and collaborative fully online and blended learning experiences.
  • Obj 3: Identify and select pedagogical ideas that can nurture learner interaction and engagement.
  • Obj 4: Share online resources, tools, and instructional strategies with colleagues.

Active Learning Activity (activities):

  • Bingo board: All session participants will complete a Bingo game board for each idea that they can use from this session. When participants complete a line or row, they will yell “BINGO!” and read their items. If correct, they will win a free book.
  • Commitment cards: Session participants will write 3-4 pedagogical activities that they intend to try out in the coming year and on a second notecard with 1-2 questions for the presenter.
  • Post-it evaluations: Everyone will get one green, one yellow, and one red/pink post-it. They will write down ideas and strategies that they can use from the session on the green = go post-it, ideas and strategies that they might use on the yellow = caution post-it, and ideas and strategies that they cannot use on the red or pink = stop/no way post-it. Participants will place these post-its on the door or wall when the session ends.
  • Session Ending Brain Teaser: Who can list the 10 motivational principles in the TEC-VARIETY framework without looking? First one wins a book.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

50. Using AI for Academic Writing and Publishing Success

3D_anatomy Abstract: The first few years as a researcher, faculty member, graduate student, and academic scholar can be overwhelming. There might be little time to write up one's research and academic ideas. This session will offer a wealth of suggestions and insights on organizing research teams, revising articles, corresponding with journal editors, and finding and selecting the appropriate dissemination outlet. In effect, this session offers a practical set of advice and insights into the processes and structures of writing that will help establish an academic writing program and lead one to a series of writing successes. Dr. Curt Bonk, who has more than 425 publications with over 200 collaborators including 20 books, 67 book chapters, and over 165 peer reviewed journal articles, will explain his writing approaches and strategies. Importantly, he will explain how using Generative AI tools and platforms can help establish a more productive and positive writing experience. He will summarize various AI advice articles and guidelines that will provide you with more writing confidence, strategies, and options. He will describe some of the methods scholars are using around the world to enable generative AI to augment one's writing in minor ways as well as more significant ways. Different AI tools and prompting approaches will be highlighted as well as free and open AI resources that those attending this session might want to explore and utilize after the session. Using these guidelines and tips, everyone can become a better and more successful writer. And, when AI is thoughtfully and ethically utilized, their successes can reach new horizons.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations

51. Using Shared Online Videos, Podcasts, and Webcasts to Apprentice and Engage Online Learners

3D_anatomy Abstract: With advances in emerging learning technologies, we are now provided with an opportunity to reimagine teaching and learning so as to create an equitable and humanistic learning ecosystem for all. Barriers and structures that have resisted much needed change are now in disarray, offering the chance for transformative improvements through more authentic learning and apprenticeship with experts in the real world. Shared online videos, webcasts, and podcasts offer a unique knowledge portal to an assembly of the most adventurous and productive pioneers in most any field or discipline. From a macro perspective, shared online video, webcast, and podcast interviews of leaders and emerging scholars in a field serve as an historical roadmap of the progress that has been made in a discipline as well as exciting current trends as seen firsthand by people with decades of experience working in the trenches of it. In this session, Curt Bonk will detail a range of innovative pedagogical uses for shared online video, webcasts, and podcasts; including his own award winning podcast show, Silver Lining for Learning. With live webcasted events in Facebook, YouTube, and other synchronous platforms that can also be archived and discussed asynchronously, learners can be apprenticed by thought leaders around the planet, while the instructor role shifts from content provider to one of learning concierge and course curator who continually augments and expands his or her courses with open access content and course activities in an accelerating apprenticeship process. As such, the teaching-learning process of today is an increasingly global one, rich in cross cultural interaction and engagement.

Key Takeaways. In this webinar, you’ll discover:

  • Multiple ways to transform teaching so as to boost learner skills and competencies.
  • Innovative ways to take advantage of multimedia and emerging technology to increase learning.
  • Creative ways to use podcasts, webcasts, and shared online video to engage and enhance learning.
  • Dozens of active learning strategies utilizing free and open educational resources.
  • Myriad tools and free and open online resources for building a dynamic educational ecosystem.
  • Methods for engaging learners in cross cultural exchanges and global education.
  • Ways to address learner diversity, equity, and inclusion with digitally rich multimedia and innovative pedagogical approaches.
  • Some of the simplest yet most powerful techniques for apprenticing student online learning and reflecting on your teaching.

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations

52. What is the Future of Learning?: Visions of Education 20/20 in Our Changing Learning World!

3D_anatomy Abstract: These days seem ripe for gazing into a crystal ball and pondering what human learning will look like 10, 20, or even 40 years into the future. How will we learn? Where will we be learning? And who, if anyone, will we be learning with? It’s time to put away your crystal ball for a moment and listen in as Curt Bonk details his visions of the future of learning. We all have witnessed the numerous ways learning has been changing during the past few years–learning is more open, flipped, mobile, global, online, blended, massive, visual, game-like, immersive, digital, free, tactile, modifiable, comfortable, adventurous, and perhaps even more personal–but that is just a brief glimpse of what the exciting adventure known as human learning will look like in the decades to come. In this talk, Professor Bonk will offer his predictions of the future of learning such as robot partners on collaborative teams, world knowledge refreshment stations, Professor Einstein PDAs, the rise of super e-mentors, classrooms as cafes, learning environment engineers, and much more. Technologies only tell a part of this story, however. As technologies come and go, Bonk suggests a more important need is to create learning ecologies using a set of 20 “last” principles of instruction including the Principle of Flexibility, the Principle of Meaningful Learning, the Principle of Choice and Options, the Principle of Spontaneity, the Principle of High Expectations, The Principle of Convenience, and so on. Importantly, these principles are most effective when married to another set of 20 related to the evolving roles of instructors from resource curators who continually augment and expand the course with open access content to learning concierges who provide multiple pathways to learning depending on the situations of the day to personal consultants, learning cultivators, timely counselors, and inspirational coaches. When combined, it is clear that we are entering “Education 20/20;” an age of educational resource abundance where passion, play, purpose, and freedom to learn take precedence over the more mind-numbing traditional information reception models of education. Learning is changing. It’s time to join the movement!

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

  What is the Future of Learning?: Visions of Education in Our Changing Learning World!
53. What is the Future of Learning?: Visions of Education in Our Changing Learning World!

3D_anatomy Abstract: These days seem ripe for gazing into a crystal ball and pondering what human learning will look like 5, 10, or even 25 or more years into the future. How will we learn? Where will we be learning? And who, if anyone, will we be learning with? It’s time to put away those crystal balls, magic lamps, and astrology charts for a moment and listen in as Curt Bonk details his visions of the future of learning. We all have witnessed the numerous ways learning has been changing during the past few years–learning is more open, flipped, mobile, global, online, blended, massive, visual, game-like, immersive, digital, free, tactile, modifiable, comfortable, adventurous, and perhaps even more personal–but that is just a brief glimpse of what the exciting adventure known as human learning will look like in the decades to come. In this talk, Professor Bonk will offer his predictions of the future of learning as influenced by innovations in learning technology, instructional approaches, and the spaces and places for learning to occur. Learning is changing. It’s time to join the movement!

Presentation type     Keynote, breakout session or workshop
Audience corporate, military training, vocational education, and higher education
Duration 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Handouts Yes

Keep in mind that Dr. Bonk will gladly tailor any of his presentations to your specific needs. With enough lead time, most talks or presentations can be altered for almost any audience.

Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning (V-PORTAL) (Watch)

IMG_5155.JPG Online learning is exploding around the planet from K-12 to higher education to corporate and government training environments. Everyone is attempting dealing with this teaching and learning transformation. The School of Education at Indiana University is no exception. As it expanded its online offerings, officials there asked were concerned that few faculty members had been trained how to teach online. The objective was high quality online course development and delivery. To address this issue, IU administrators asked Professor Bonk to create a series of short (10 minute or less) video primers on online teaching and learning. One year in production, these 27 videos were rolled out in late September 2010. They are dubbed the V-PORTAL or "Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning." The topics of the video in the V-PORTAL include managing an online course, providing feedback, building community, finding quality supplemental materials, online visual learning, podcast, wiki, and blogging tools and applications, blended learning, global connections and colorations, assessment, plagiarism, and trends for the future (see below for a complete listing). Issues, objectives, and examples for each topic are addressed in each of the 27 shows.

Shared Online Video Series on Teaching Online, Indiana University, School of Education

Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning (V-PORTAL).
  1. Watch & Find Resources on Bonk’s YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TravelinEdMan
  2. Read about Possible Uses: http://www.trainingshare.com/keynotes.php#htu

  1. Planning an Online Course
  2. Managing an Online Course: General
  3. Managing an Online Course: Discussion Forums
  4. Providing Feedback
  5. Reducing Plagiarism
  6. Building Community
  7. Building Instructor and Social Presence
  8. Online Relationships: Student-Student, Student-Instructor, Student-Practitioner, Student-Self
  9. Fostering Online Collaboration/Teaming
  10. Finding Quality Supplemental Materials
  11. Blended Learning: General
  12. Blended Learning: Implementation
  13. Blended Learning: The Future
  14. Online Writing and Reflection Activities
  15. Online Visual Learning
  16. Using Existing Online Video Resources
  17. Webinars and Webcasts
  18. Podcasting Uses and Applications
  19. Wiki Uses and Applications
  20. Blog Uses and Applications
  21. Collaborative Tool Uses and Applications
  22. Hands-On/Experiential Learning
  23. Coordinating Online Project, Problem, and Product-Based Learning
  24. Global Connections and Collaborations
  25. Assessing Student Online Learning
  26. Ending, Archiving, Updating, and Reusing an Online Course
  27. Trends on the Horizon
Note: These 27 video primers designed during 2009-2010, finalized and announced October 2010.

How to Use: Whether you are interested in emerging technologies or innovative pedagogies, this video primer series is for you, What's more, you can watch them on the Web for free from anywhere in the world. You can view them while sitting at home in your pajamas and fuzzy slippers while sipping some hot chocolate, eating lunch at your office desk, or relaxing at a mountain or lakeside retreat. Each lesson is delivered to you in 10 minutes or less. You might give certificates out to employees who watch and reflect on how they might use ideas found in each one of them. Alternatively, you can request Curt Bonk, the host and developer of all 27 shows, to give you and your staff a personal overview of any of these topics. Such a session--live or online--might last just 15 or 30 minutes or expand into a 1, 2, or 3 day workshop. In any case, your instructors, instructional designers, and administrators will be much better prepared for the highly interesting and complex world of online teaching and learning. Enjoy these free video primers in the V-PORTAL! Nowhere else on the planet will you find such an assembly of knowledge related to online teaching and learning.

Ten Ways to Use:
  1. Instructor training: present videos to online instructors for reflection.
  2. Workshops: the 27 video primers might be embedded in brief or extended workshop.
  3. Certification: design activities related to the videos as part of a larger training program.
  4. Student courses: videos could be used as supplements to course readings related to new or emerging technologies, online teaching and learning, and blended learning.
  5. Personal exploration: dig into an area of interest.
  6. Discussion: present a video for 10 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes or more of discussion or reflection activities.
  7. Debates: these resources might jump-start debates on new courses, programs, or initiatives.
  8. Strategic planning: these videos might be used to highlight potential areas related to online learning that a department, program, school, university, corporation, or organization might head.
  9. Retreats: the contents of the V-PORTAL might find its way into faculty or administrator retreats.
  10. Accomplishments: organizations and institutions might compare the ideas in these videos to areas of strength as well as weaknesses or areas in need of further development.

Important Acknowledgment: I want to acknowledge and publicly express thanks to the School of Education at Indiana University in Bloomington which funded this highly valuable and momentous production effort. In particular, the IU School of Education Instructional Consulting office and the Instructional Systems Technology (IST) Department played key roles in their planning, generation, and dissemination.

Permissions Note: You have permission to make a Web link to these videos, share information about these contents with others, or translate the contents to another language, as long as the contents (i.e., the movies) included here abide by the Creative Commons license notes below. As a courtesy to the Indiana University School of Education and Dr. Curt Bonk, the host of the 27 video primers, please send an e-mail to Professor Bonk (cjbonk@indiana.edu) to let him know how you are using these learning resources (i.e., the intended purpose) as well as who is using them. Thank you.

These videos are available under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 license. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

Alternative Access Sites:
King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia; http://elc.kku.edu.sa/en; http://elc.kku.edu.sa/en/27-videos-for-teaching-online Translation: http://elc.kku.edu.sa/27-videos-for-teaching-online

As a courtesy to the Indiana University School of Education and myself (Dr. Curt Bonk, the host of the 27 video primers), please send me an e-mail at (cjbonk at indiana dot edu) or to the Instructional Consulting office in the IU School of Education (ic@indiana.edu) to let us know how you are using these learning resources (i.e., the intended purpose). You might also state who is using them. Thank you.

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