Ed Tech Journals and Mags:
1. Educational Technology, Pedagogy, and Distance Education Journals (most are online).
- AACE Journal: International Forum on Information Technology in Education (AACEJ) [Electronic Journal] (Formerly Educational Technology Review (ETR).
- All AACE journals and Publications Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education)
- AERA Open [Electronic Journal] (Theoretical and empirical study across arenas of inquiry related to education and learning)
- Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (Advancing the knowledge and practice of management learning and education)
- Advances in Developing Human Resources [Emerging Sources Citation Index] (Focuses on the issues that help you work more effectively in human resource development)
- ACTA Press Advanced Technology for Learning [Electronic Journal] (Discontinued in 2008)
- American Journal of Distance Education [Emerging Sources Citation Index] (A journal of research and scholarship in the field of American distance education)
- Asian–Pacific Collaborative Education Journal (Information and communication technologies and their integration into education and training, particularly in the Asia-Pacific regions)
- Asia-Pacific Education Review [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (Stimulating research, encouraging academic exchange and focusing on educational and cultural issues in the Asia Pacific regions)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Education [Social Science Citation Index] (Educational policy and governance, curriculum and pedagogy, and on the everyday lives and practices of students and teachers in the Asia-Pacific Rim)
- Asian Journal of Distance Education (AsianJDE) (Information useful to researchers and practitioners in the growing field of distance education in Asia)
- Asian EFL Journal (Information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and language learning)
- Australasian Journal of Educational Technology [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (Journal of ASCILITE, the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education)
- British Journal of Educational Technology [Social Science Citation Index]
[Electronic Journal] (BJET is a primary source for academics and professionals in the fields of digital educational and training technology throughout the world)
- Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Journal (Information concerning the application of technology to language teaching and language learning)
- Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) [Electronic Journal] (A peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology and learning)
- Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education [Electronic Journal] (Analytical and research papers, reports, reviews, and commentaries of value to professional practice in continuing education)
- Cogent Education [Emerging Sources Citation Index] (Original research articles and review articles in educational research)
- Cognition and Instruction [Electronic Journal] (Issues concerning the mental, socio-cultural, and mediational processes and conditions of learning and intellectual competence)
- Computer Assisted Language Learning [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (All matters associated with the use of computers in language learning, teaching and testing)
- Computers and Composition [Electronic Journal] (A journal devoted to exploring the use of computers in composition classes, programs, and scholarly projects)
- Computers and Education: An International Journal (All aspects of cognition, education and training, from primary to tertiary and in the growing open and distance learning environment)
- Computers in the Schools (A rich source of serious discussion for educators, administrators, computer center directors, and special service providers in the school setting)
- Computers in Human Behavior [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (Original theoretical works, research reports, literature reviews, software reviews, and announcements examining the use of computers from a psychological perspective)
- Comunicar: Media Education Research Journal (Scientific bilingual Spanish and English journal, with Chinese abstracts)
- Contemporary Educational Technology (Theory, research, and development in the field of educational technology)
- Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (Special sections on Science, Math, Social Studies, English, and Educational Technology General)
- Current Issues in Emerging eLearning (CIEE is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal of applied research and critical thought on eLearning practice and emerging pedagogical methods)
- Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (Peer-reviewed journal exploring the impact of the Internet, multi-media, and virtual reality on behavior and society)
- Digital Education Review (DER) (The impact of ICT on education and new emergent forms of teaching and learning in digital environments)
- Distance Education (Research and scholarly material in the fields of open, distance and flexible education)
- Discover Artificial Intelligence (Research covering all aspects of artificial intelligence in theory and application)
- Discover Education (Research from a broad range of education fields with the potential to impact social and academic development)
- Distance Learning (Formerly the USDLA Journal which was discontinued in April 2003)
- E-mentor (E-Magazine published by Warsaw School of Economics) (E-learning, lifelong learning, knowledge management, e-business, and training on the academic level)
- E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (E-JIST) (Discontinued in December 2007)
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Intelligent Educational Environments (TOFIEE) (A forum for the development of new educational technologies and environments)
- ECNU Review of Education (ROE) (This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles related to current educational issues in China and abroad)
- Education and Information Technologies [Electronic Journal] [Social Sciences Citation Index] (The Official Journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education)
- Education@ETMA (Published by (ETMA) the Educational Technology and Management Academy)
- Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (Current education trends, challenges, and developments in educational technology)
- Educational Media International (Research, evaluation, and development studies addressing the issues faced in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of educational media)
- Educational Renaissance (Teacher preparation in a post secondary education, and the creativity of researchers and scholarly thinkers)
- Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D); Springer Link; and current edition online (Scholarly journal for the field focusing entirely on research and development in educational technology)
- Educational Technology International (Korean Society for Educational Technology) (Educational application and development of educational technology, information technology and media)
- Educational Designer (An International E-journal for Design and Development in Education)
- Educational Research Review (Review of studies and theoretical papers in education)
- EDUCAUSE Review (Current developments in information technology, how they may affect the college/university, and what these mean for higher education and society)
- eLearning and Education (eLeed) (The journal offers a platform for new scientific research results from the widespread area of all e-Learning aspects)
- The Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL) (Topics relevant to the study, implementation and management of e-Learning initiatives)
- European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL) (EURODL is an electronic, multi-media open access journal on distance and e-learning distributed on the Internet)
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- First Monday (One of the first openly accessible, peer-reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet)
- Frontline Learning Research (FLR) (Ideas that could potentially open up new avenues in the field of learning and instruction)
- Future Learning (Provides the current best thinking, research, and innovation for the effective utilization of technology for educators)
- Global Journal of Educational Studies (International, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Macrothink Institute)
- GLOKALde (Electronic journal dedicated to research on teaching in higher education)
- Human Resource Development International (Promotes all aspects of practice and research that explore issues of individual, group and organisational learning and performance)
- Human Resource Development Quarterly (Peer-reviewed journal focused directly on the evolving field of Human Resource Development)
- Human Resource Development Review (A theory journal for scholars of human resource development and related disciplines)
- Hybrid Pedagogy (A Digital Journal of Teaching & Technology)
- Indian Journal of Open Learning (An internationally refereed journal published in print since 1992)
- Information Research (A freely available, international, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines)
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International (Promoting and supporting change in higher and other post-school education, with an emphasis on research, experience, scholarship and evaluation)
- Instructional Science (Promotes a deep understanding of the nature, theory, and practice of the instructional process and resultant learning)
- Interactive Learning Environments [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (Peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of the design and use of interactive learning environments in the broadest sense)
- International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) (Open access journal focusing on developing and testing elements of interactive mobile technologies)
- International Journal on Innovations in Online Education (Online learning innovations that support post-secondary, high-school, and vocational and industrial training levels)
- International Journal of Information and Learning Technology [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (Information technologies in administrative, academic, and library computing, as well as other educational technologies.)
- Interactive Technology and Smart Education (Articles that explore innovative use of educational technologies that advance interactive technology in education)
- The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning (IJPBL) (Articles related to all aspects of implementing problem-based learning (PBL) in K–12 and post-secondary classrooms)
- International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) (iJAC is an Open Access journal focusing on developing, designing and testing elements of advanced corporate learning.)
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (The application of artificial intelligence techniques and concepts to the design of systems to support learning. )
- International Journal of Changes in Education (IJCE) (The latest global development and innovation in education.)
- International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Dedicated to research on and practice in all aspects of learning and education with the aid of computers and computer networks)
- International journal of Computer-assisted Language Learning and Teaching (ICALLT) (Strategies in the fields of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and foreign/second language learning)
- International Journal of Designs for Learning (Descriptions of artifacts, environments and experiences created to promote and support learning in all contexts by designers in any field)
- International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (from IGI) (A forum for researchers and practitioners to disseminate practical solutions to the automation of open and distance learning)
- International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education (Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE))
- International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (Articles and research on innovative approaches in applying technology to enhance learning, design and educational outcomes, including quantitative, qualitative and hybrid approaches)
- International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) (Relevant trends, research results, and practical experiences gained while developing and testing technology enhanced learning)
- The International Journal of Illich Studies (An open access, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to engaging the thought and writing of Ivan Illich and his circle)
- International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (from IGI) (The theory, practice, and research of technology education)
- International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET) (Papers on state-of-the-art Information and Education Technology)
- International Journal of Instruction [Emerging Sources Citation Index] (Studies in the areas of instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, learning environments, teacher education, educational technology, and educational developments)
- International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning (Significant writings of high academic stature in distance learning and technology)
- International Journal of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (IJLCLE) (Research in the field of literacy, culture, and language education from multi- inter- and trans-disciplinary perspectives)
- International Journal of Training and Development (A forum for the reporting of high-quality original, empirical research about training and development)
- International Journal of Self-Directed Learning (Scholarly papers that document research, theory, or exemplary practice in self-directed learning)
- International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments (IJSMILE fosters discussion on the affordances of social media for teaching and learning)
- International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (Promotes the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know-how on technology enhanced learning)
- International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning (IJSmartTL focuses on the design, application and assessment of smart learning technologies)
- International Journal of Web-Based Communities (IJWBC) (Research outcomes and state-of-the-art recommendations to those responsible for online communities and social media policies)
- International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (from IGI) (The technical, social, cultural, organizational, human, cognitive, and commercial impact of technology)
- International Journal of University Teaching and Faculty Development (Journal concerned with teaching for students at university level and faculty development)
- International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) (Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Formerly International Journal of Educational Telecommunications and the WebNet Journal)
- International Review of Education [Electronic Journal] [Emerging Sources Citation Index] (Applied research in lifelong and life-wide learning in international and comparative contexts)
- The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (Original research, theory, and best practice in open and distance learning worldwide)
- The Internet and Higher Education (Contemporary issues and future developments related to online learning, teaching, and administration on the Internet in post-secondary settings)
- Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning (The official journal of the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE))
- Italian Journal of Educational Technology (A refereed, open access journal that publishes theoretical perspectives, review articles, methodological developments, empirical research and best practice in the field of education and technology)
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- Journal of Applied Instructional Design (JAID) (Articles related to the field of Instructional Design)
- Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT) (JALT publishes fully open access articles and issues)
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Covers the whole range of uses of information and communication technology to support learning and knowledge exchange)
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (Social science research on computer-mediated communication via the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless technologies)
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (Covers policies, issues, problems, and research associated with instructional technology and digital learning)
- Journal of Computers in Education (The official journal of the Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education)
- Journal of Education for Teaching [Electronic Journal] [Social Science Citation Index] (Publishes research on teacher education)
- Journal of Education and Learning (JEL) (Theory and practice of educational activities, research of general educational law and studies of individual or group acquisition)
- Journal of Education and Training Studies (JETS) (JETS publishes original research, applied, and educational articles in all areas of education and training)
- Journal of Educational Computing Research (Research into the applications, effects, and implications of computer-based education)
- Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences (Research across a wide range of Information & Library-related disciplines. Published by Tamkang University Press in Taiwan)
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH) from AACE (Research, development and applications of multimedia and hypermedia in education)
- Journal of Educational Technology and Society (Academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage such systems)
- Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE) (A platform for international Chinese scholars and experts in the field of education technology)
- Journal of Educators Online (JEO) (Journal in the broad area of Computer Mediated Learning (CML) which includes distance, online, electronic, virtual, distributed, blended and mobile learning)
- Journal of Extension (JOE) (A knowledge base for Extension professionals and other adult educators to improve their effectiveness)
- Journal of Faculty Development (A Forum for the exchange of information regarding professional development in post-secondary educational institutions)
- Journal of European Industrial Training (Ideas, news, research findings, case examples and discussion on training and development primarily in Europe)
- Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies (JOGLTEP) (Theoretical and critical scholarship in the areas of intersectionality of culture, technology, and education.
- Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education (JITAE) (Publishes original articles and review papers in all fields of information technology with an application in education)
- Journal of Innovative Practices in Education (A tri-lingual, peer-reviewed, open-access, online research journal)
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education (Theoretical and practical aspects of interactive media in education)
- Journal of Interactive Learning Research (The underlying theory, design, implementation, effectiveness, and impact on education and training of interactive learning environments)
- Journal of Interactive Online Learning (Manuscripts, critical essays, and reviews that encompass disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives related to higher-level learning outcomes)
Journal of Learning Analytics (JLA) (A peer-reviewed, open-access journal, disseminating the highest quality research in the field)
- Journal of Learning Design (Critical debate about models, theoretical positioning and best practice in learning design)
- Journal of Learning for Development (Research articles, book reviews and reports with a focus on open and distance learning)
- Journal of Learning Spaces (All aspects of learning space design, operation, pedagogy, and assessment in higher education)
- Journal of the Learning Sciences (A multidisciplinary forum for the presentation of research on learning and education)
- Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) (A peer-reviewed, open access, online publication addressing the scholarly use of multimedia resources in online education from MERLOT)
- The Journal of Online Learning Research (JOLR) (Technologies and their impact on primary and secondary pedagogy and policy in primary and secondary (K-12) online and blended environments.)
- Journal of Open, Flexible and Online Learning (from New Zealand) (Primary research investigations, literature reviews, the application of distance education innovations, and the experiences of teaching at a distance)
- Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning (Open access journal focusing on innovations in teaching and learning)
- Journal of Research on Technology in Education (Original research, system or project descriptions and evaluations, syntheses of the literature that relates to instructional uses of educational technology)
- Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology (JoTLT) (IUPUI Journal that is dedicated to exploring efforts to enhance student learning in higher education through the use of technology)
- Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education)
- The Journal of Technology Studies (JOTS is an open forum for the exchange of relevant ideas in the field of Technology Studies)
- The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) (The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in higher education)
- Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning (An international community of scholars which espouses learner centered democratic approaches to learning)
- Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL) [Emerging Sources Citation Index] (Research articles in the multidisciplinary area of knowledge management and electronic learning)
- Language Learning and Technology (LLT) (Journal with an editorial board of international scholars in the fields of second language acquisition and computer-assisted language learning)
- Learning, Media & Technology (Journal that aims to stimulate debate on the interaction of innovations in educational theory, practices, media and educational technologies)
- Learning: Research and Practice (Research that responds to the problems of current educational practices and traditional views of learning)
- Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction (MJLI) (An academic, refereed, open access journal published by Universiti Utara Malaysia)
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- Open Education Studies (Articles in all fields of education research)
- Online Learning Journal (From the Online Learning Consortium (OLC); formerly, the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Environments (JALN) Note: Open Access)
- Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (This is a leading international journal in the field of open, flexible and distance learning)
- Open Praxis (Research and innovation in open, distance and flexible education)
- Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (Focusing on informed use and application of technology in learning and teaching)
- Pedagogies: An International Journal (Brings together emergent and breaking work on all aspects of pedagogy including classroom practice, education, and teaching & learning)
- Performance Improvement Journal (Journal geared toward practitioners of performance technology in the workplace)
- Performance Improvement Quarterly (Created to stimulate professional discussion in the field and to advance the discipline of human performance technologies through publishing scholarly works)
- Postdigital Science and Education (Education and research in and for the postdigital age)
- Psychology in the Schools (A peer-reviewed journal devoted to research, opinion, and practice)
- Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts [Social Science Citation Index] (Research that relates to the psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts)
- Quarterly Review of Distance Education (AECT) (Articles, research briefs, reviews, and editorials dealing with the theories, research, and practices of distance education)
- QWERTY - Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education (The use of technology in education, training, social and university research)
- ReCALL (The Journal of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning
- Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (Research on all aspects of the use of technology to enhance learning)
- Research in Learning Technology; and Journal of the Association for Learning Technology (Formerly ALT-J, a journal devoted to research and good practice in the use of learning technologies)
- Smart Learning Environments (Issues related to teaching and learning through advancing smart learning environments)
- Social Education (A balance of theoretical content and practical teaching ideas)
- Studies in Self-Access Learning (A peer-reviewed, quarterly publication for those interested in the field of self-access language learning)
- Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning (Investigation, commentary, and scholarly review in technology enhanced learning research)
- System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics (The applications of ed tech and applied linguistics to problems of foreign language teaching and learning)
- Teachers College Record [Social Science Citation Index] [Electronic Journal] (A journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education)
- Technology, Knowledge and Learning (Journal dedicated to understanding and enhancing the most profound changes to learning made possible by new technologies)
- Technology, Pedagogy, and Education (Focuses on research evidence and critical analysis on all aspects of the integration of information and communications technology in teaching and learning)
- The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (Original work of practitioners and researchers with focus on the management of distance education programs)
- The Technology Source (Discontinued November 2004)
- TechTrends (A leading publication for professionals in the educational communication and technology field)
- Theory and Research in Social Education (Designed to stimulate and communicate systematic research and thinking in social education)
- Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (The issues and challenges of providing theory, research and information services to global learners in distance education or open learning applications)
- The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET is an open access online international electronic journal)
- World Journal on Educational Technology (Original research, development and articles that contribute to the development of educational technology field)
2. Educational Technology Magazines, Blogs, and Newsletters
- Campus Technology (formerly the Syllabus Magazine)
- Change (A magazine dealing with contemporary issues in higher learning)
- Chief Learning Officer Magazine; Also see Chief Learning Officer Home (The foremost resource in the rapidly growing industry of workforce learning and development)
- Chronicle of Higher Education (Technology section)
- Converge Magazine (Documenting the technology revolution sweeping modern education)
- Education Week (Commentary essays on issues that affect K-12 education and are of interest to a broad range of people)
- Educational Leadership (Programs, products, and services essential to the way educators learn, teach, and lead)
- Educational Technology Magazine (The magazine for managers of change in education covering the entire field of educational technology)
- Education World Technology in the Classroom (Lesson plans, practical information for educators, information on how to integrate technology in the classroom, and articles by education experts)
- eLearn Magazine (A leading source of high-quality information on technology for corporate training and higher education)
- eSchool News (Covers education technology in all its aspects-from legislation and litigation, to case studies, to purchasing practices and new products)
- IEEE Potentials Magazine (The publication dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals)
- Learning and Training Innovations (Strategic content and innovative technology solutions to implement learning and training in corporate, government and educational enterprises)
- Media and Methods Magazine (The leading technology & education magazine used for purchasing decisions in K-12 schools)
- New Horizons for Learning (Identifies and communicates successful strategies as a leading-edge web resource for educational practice)
- Performance Xpress (International Society for Performance Improvement member benefit designed to build community, stimulate discussion, and keep you informed of the Society’s activities and events)
- Perspectives: Policy and practice in higher education (Provides higher education managers and administrators with innovative material which analyses and informs their practice of management)
- Phi Delta Kappan (The flagship publication of PDK International, the professional association in education)
- Rethinking Schools (Advocates the reform of elementary and secondary education, with a strong emphasis on issues of equity and social justice)
- Stephen’s Web (Stephen Downe’s blog is a digital research laboratory for innovation in the use of online media in education)
- Technology and Learning (The resource for education technology leaders focusing on K-12 educators)
- T.H.E. Journal (Exclusive, online content, with industry news, information and trends in K–12 education technology)
- Training Magazine (Magazine that advocates training and workforce development as a business tool)
3. Teaching and Learning Journals:
- College Teaching (Peer-reviewed articles on how instructors across all academic disciplines can improve student learning)
- Innovations in Education & Teaching International (Promote innovation and good practice in higher education through staff and educational development and subject-related practices)
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (IJ-SoTL) (Articles, essays, and discussions about the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher/tertiary education today)
- Journal on Excellence in College Teaching (Dedicated to increasing student learning through effective teaching and communication among faculty about their classroom experiences)
- Teaching in Higher Education (The journal addresses the roles of teaching, learning and the curriculum in higher education)