Ed Tech Resources and Portals Curt Bonk's Indiana University Homepage    

From: Professor Curtis J. Bonk, Indiana University
Contact: cjbonk at indiana.edu

Popular Web 2.0 and related Technology Tools (mainly K-12):

1.      E-Portfolio and Web Page Tools: (Personal webpage/portfolio: Google Sites: http://sites.google.com (like a wiki and a homepage—easy to change)

2.      Document collab (Google Docs; http://docs.google.com/ and Google Presentations)

3.      Share Docs and Slides (SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/). Online presentations.

4.      Group collaboration (Google Groups: http://groups.google.com/, Yahoo Groups)

5.      Wiki collaboration (Wikispaces: http://www.wikispaces.com/, Wetpaint: http://www.wetpaint.com/, PBworks (formerly PBwiki: http://pbworks.com/)

6.      Blogging (Blogger: https://www.blogger.com/start, Word Press: http://wordpress.org/, Live Journal: http://www.livejournal.com/); Compare Blogger & Word Press: http://pulsed.blogspot.com/2007/07/blogger-wordpress-chart.html

7.      Social networking (Facebook, Ning) e. g., Classroom 2.0: http://www.classroom20.com/; School 2.0: http://school20.ning.com/; Ning in Education: http://education.ning.com/

8.      Online photo sharing (Picasa: http://picasa.google.com/, Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/, etc.)

9.      Podcasting (Audacity for PC: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ and Garage Band for the Mac); also Gabcast (http://gabcast.com/) to create audio podcasting by using your phone or VoIP. Many podcasts in Education Podcast Network: http://epnweb.org/.

10.  Shared online video: YouTube, TeacherTube (http://www.teachertube.com/), SchoolTube, TVLesson, NASA TV, Link TV (http://www.linktv.org/), YouTube Edu.

11.  Concept Mapping tools (Gliffy, Mindmeister, Bubbl.us (http://bubbl.us/)

12.  Create small cartoonish videos of animated characters: Xtranormal: http://www.xtranormal.com;
Digital Films:
http://www.digitalfilms.com/; Bitstrips: http://www.bitstrips.com/landing; and Momoov: http://memoov.com/

13.  Social bookmarking (del.icio.us: http://delicious.com/), trailfire: http://trailfire.com/)

14.  Finding online media (Odeo: http://odeo.com/)

15.  Bookmarking websites and collaboration (Diigo); e.g., math resources: http://groups.diigo.com/groups/teaching-middle-school-math and science resources: http://groups.diigo.com/groups/teaching-middle-school-science), etc.

16.  Communication (Skype: http://www.skype.com/, Google Talk: http://www.google.com/talk/

17.  Adding audio to Web content (Voice Threads: http://voicethread.com/)

18.  Adding Audio to email (YackPack: http://www.yackpack.com/)

19.  Screencasting to capture and instantly share your screen (Jing: http://www.jingproject.com/, Screenr: http://screenr.com/); with Screenr you can save your project as mp4 (ready for ipod/iphone), link to Twitter, post product on YouTube.

20.  Collaborate on Math and Science Problems Online (Math Calculators like Instacalc: http://instacalc.com/ and http://my.instacalc.com/)

21.  Webstreaming (UStream: http://www.ustream.tv/)

22.  Video Creation (e.g., film a lecture or presentation by yourself from your laptop or desktop Web cam); VideoSpin: http://videospin.com/Redesign/) Windows Movie Maker: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/moviemaker2.mspx

23.  Synchronous web conferencing (Vyer: http://vyew.com/site/, Dimdim: http://www.dimdim.com/)

24.  Virtual Worlds: Second Life: http://secondlife.com/; Global Kids: http://globalkids.org/?id=30

25.  Free Course Management Systems (Moodle: http://moodle.org/); Note: there is also free hosting of Moodle for basic installation: http://ninehub.com/

26.  Collaboration and Kids as Researcher Sites (BioKIDS, GLOBE, iEARN, ePals, etc.)

27.  Various Web 2.0 tools: http://www.go2web20.net/

28.  Free and Open Access K-12 Contents and Courses:

a.       Curriki: http://www.curriki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome)

b.      National Repository of Online Courses: http://www.montereyinstitute.org/nroc/

c.       Hippo Campus: http://www.hippocampus.org/

d.      MIT Highlights for High School: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/hs/home/home/

Bonk, C. J., Khoo, Elaine (2014) Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online. Amazon CreateSpace. TEC-VARIETY Book Web Site
Using 10 theoretically driven and proven motivational principles, TEC-VARIETY offers over 100 practical yet innovative ideas based on decades of author experience teaching in a variety of educational settings. The printed version of this book is available for purchase from Amazon CreateSpace and Amazon.com. This book is also freely available as a PDF document to download, share, and use both in total as well as by chapter; see http://tec-variety.com/.
Discover the dramatic changes that are affecting all learners in the 2009 book The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

The World Is Open is a journey into the world of Web 2.0 resources and the future (and present) of global educational opportunities
by Dr. Curtis J. Bonk. Visit worldisopen.com or publisher Wiley.com to learn more.
The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education is now in softcover/paperback with a new introduction/prequel (“Sharing…the Journey”) and ending/postscript (“An Open Letter to the Learners of this Planet”). More info at: Wiley, Jossey-Bass, Amazon.

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