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Shared Online Video Resources, Portals, and Pedagogical Activities

From: Professor Curtis J. Bonk, Indiana University
Contact: cjbonk at indiana.edu

Bonk, C. J., Khoo, Elaine (2014) Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online. Amazon CreateSpace. TEC-VARIETY Book Web Site
Using 10 theoretically driven and proven motivational principles, TEC-VARIETY offers over 100 practical yet innovative ideas based on decades of author experience teaching in a variety of educational settings. The printed version of this book is available for purchase from Amazon CreateSpace and Amazon.com. This book is also freely available as a PDF document to download, share, and use both in total as well as by chapter; see http://tec-variety.com/.

Reference: Bonk, C. J. (2008, March). YouTube anchors and enders: The use of shared online video content as a macrocontext for learning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2008 Annual Meeting, New York, NY. Available http://publicationshare.com/SFX7EED.pdf

Great report: Alan D. Greenberg and Jan Zanetis (2012, May). The Impact of Broadcast and Streaming Video in Education: What the Research Says and How Educators and Decision Makers Can Begin to Prepare for the Future. Wainhouse Research Available http://www.cisco.com/web/strategy/docs/education/ciscovideowp.pdf

Shared Online Video Resources and Portals:

  1. AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education) YouTube Channel (AACE Videos)
  2. Academic Earth: Online Courses and Video Lectures (Online courses from the world's top scholars)
  3. BBC News: Video and Audio (Watch the latest news summary from BBC World News)
  4. BBC News: Video and News (BBC News home page)
  5. BBC Video Nation (BBC user views and experiences on camera and online - last updated March 2011)
  6. Big Think: Video and Other Content from Experts (Big Think is a knowledge forum with ideas from top thinkers and doers from around the globe)
  7. Book TV (Video About nonfiction books)
  8. CNN.com Video (Watch live, streaming video or CNN TV clips. See also Interactive News and News Docs)
  9. CNN Presents (Videos and transcripts from CNN TV shows)
  10. CNN Student News (A ten-minute, commercial-free, daily news program for middle and high school students)
  11. CurrentTV (Political and news commentary and information programming. See also Interactive News and News Documentaries)
  12. Cyber-profs (French) (French language video clips to support training of French teachers)
  13. Digital Media and Learning (DML) Research Hub (Researchers, practitioners, and policyshifters analyzing the impact of the Internet and digital media on education, politics, and youth culture)
  14. Earthwatch (Videos that bring science to life for people concerned about the Earth's future)
  15. Edutopia (The George Lucas Educational Foundation videos about what works in education)
  16. Explo.TV (The Exploratorium's collection of original programming, from remote scientific expeditions to fun hands-on activities)
  17. Explore (A multimedia organization that documents leaders around the world who have devoted their lives to extraordinary causes)
  18. FORA.tv YouTube Archive (Intelligent video programs on the people, issues, and ideas changing the world)
  19. Fox News (Video clips from FOX News Network)
  20. FreeDocumentaryTV (Allows you to legally watch over 2,000 documentaries online via embedded video streams)
  21. GETideas (From Cisco, Education Thought Leader series)
  22. Global Nomads Group (Interactive educational programs for students about global issues)
  23. Google Video (Searchable database of user supplied video clips)
  24. Grockit Answers (Start a Question & Answer page for any video on YouTube)
  25. Grovo: Your Field Guide to the Internet (Thousands of video lessons covering Internet products you love or didn't know about)
  26. hiHeatlhTube (Free natural health videos, articles and podcasts)
  27. History Channel (Video and audio clips from the HISTORY channel library)
  28. History for Music Lovers Channel (History Teachers Channel)
  29. How Stuff Works (Credible, unbiased, and easy-to-understand explanations of how the world actually works)
  30. Howcast: How-To Videos and Guides (Howcast is the #1 mobile app for instructional content)
  31. Hulu (A large selection of free videos from over 260 content companies)
  32. LearnZillion (A learning platform that combines video lessons, assessments, and progress reporting)
  33. Link TV (Programs that engage, educate and activate viewers to become involved in the world)
  34. Link TV: Latin Pulse (Half-hour news magazine examining Latin American issues relevant to the American public)
  35. Livestream (Everything you need to easily live stream events and build an engaged audience)
  36. Maangchi (Korean food recipe site)
  37. MasterChef Australia (Recipes and information about the MasterChef Australia TV show)
  38. MedTube (Online medical multimedia directory for health professionals)
  39. Metacafe Archive (A video entertainment engine)
  40. MIT World (Video of more than 800 significant public events at MIT)
  41. MonkeySee - Free Instructional Videos (Professional quality how-to videos covering a wide range of topics)
  42. MSNBC Video (Video clips from NBC and MSNBC TV shows)
  43. National Georgraphic (Video clips and full episodes from the National Geographic Channel)
  44. NBC Learn K-12 (Pay site with 30-day free trial featuring videos and other resources designed for use in the K-12 classroom)
  45. NewYork Times (Videos, slide shows and podcasts presented by the New York Times)
  46. NSF Cyberlearning Summit (Dynamic speakers sharing visions for the future of learning technologies)
  47. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) (Video clips, full episodes and web-only series from the Public Broadcasting Service)
  48. Reuters (Videos from the world's largest international multimedia news agency)
  49. SchoolTube (K-12 video and media sharing website for educators and students)
  50. SciVee (Video and rich media solutions for the scientific, technical and medical market)
  51. Sophia Pathways (formerly Guaranteach) (Over 25,000 videos teach math, science, music, various languages, etc., for K-12)
  52. Teachers' Domain (An online library of more than 1,000 free media resources from the best in public television)
  53. TeacherTube (An online community for sharing instructional videos)
  54. Teaching Channel (Tch) (A video showcase of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America's schools)
  55. Ted (Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world)
  56. TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing, and TED-Ed in YouTube (TED-Ed's mission is to capture and amplify the voices of great educators around the world)
  57. TubeChop (Chop a funny or interesting section from any YouTube video and share it)
  58. TV Lesson: How-To Videos YouTube Archive (Network for learning with more than 600 educational networks and 1000's quality lessons)
  59. Ustream.tv (Live interactive broadcast platform allows users to view and broadcast a wide variety of content)
  60. Vialogues (Vialogues supports meaningful discussions around video)
  61. WatchKnowLearn.org (Free educational videos delivered over the Internet)
  62. Wonder How To: How-To Videos (Videos possess the intent to instruct the viewer)
  63. Yahoo! Video (Search wngine for online videos)
  64. YouTube (Video-sharing community that allows people to watch and share originally-created videos)
  65. YouTube EDU (Videos and Channels from colleges and universities)
  66. The V-PORTAL...“Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning
    (Dr. Curt Bonk's video series addressing the design and best practices of Distance Education courses)

    1. Watch the V-PORTAL Videos & Find Resources (Firefox preferred): IU School of Ed Instructional Consulting Office.

    In addition to links to these 27 videos, the above link includes additional Web resources, color PDFs of Dr. Bonk PowerPoint slides, and a feedback form for each of the 27 shows. This is the main V-PORTAL site.

    2. For faster access, watch the V-PORTAL Videos in Bonk’s YouTube Channel (use any browser):

Additional Resource: The 100 Best Video Sites For Educators Available: http://hartington.esu1.org/~mhochstein/The%20100%20Best%20Video%20Sites%20for%20Education%20Videos.html

Table 1. Ten Anchors and Enders: Instructor Centered

Pedagogical Activity

Brief Description of the Idea

1. Online Video Anchoring

Online videos are used as an anchor or advance organizer of a class lecture.

2. Online Video Ender

Online videos are used after discussion and activities as a class “ender” or capstone event.

3. Anchoring and Ending

One or more online videos are used to start discussion as well as others at the end of the class to draw a sense of closure to that discussion.

4. Online Class Previews and Discussion

The instructor(s) finds videos and then posts them to the course management system for students to watch prior to or after class. If students participate in an online discussion based on such videos, the instructor should be clear about the length of post (e.g., two paragraphs) and how many comments of peers to respond to.

5. Anchor with Discussion

The instructor(s) finds videos and shows them in class and students discuss them in small groups with certain assigned tasks.

6. Pause and Reflect

The instructor(s) plays a portion of a YouTube video and pauses for reflections and then continues playing the video which is followed by still more class reflection.

7. Key Concept Reflections

Instructor shows the YouTube video and asks students to reflect on concepts embedded in it. He may replay the video 1-2 more times while prompting the class for certain key concepts. He might ask students to say &ldquo3Bpause” when they see a concept from a particular chapter or unit displayed.

8. Video Anchor, Lecture, and Test (VALT)

Instructor(s) might show 1-2 YouTube videos at the start of a class and then lectures on topics related to concepts in those videos. When done lecturing, the instructor might show the same YouTube videos and ask for student reflection papers or discussion of what concepts are displayed in them. Such an activity might be embedded in a course quiz or examination.

9. On-Demand Conceptual Anchoring

Instructor pauses a class activity or discussion at any moment and shows a YouTube videos related to a concept, theory, or idea being presented or discussed.

10. Videoconferencing Anchors and Enders

YouTube videos might be shown in a videoconference or web conference with other classes and then used to spur discussion and interaction across sites. Controversial videos might be purposefully chosen to foster such interaction.

Table 2. Ten Anchors and Enders: Learner Centered

Pedagogical Activity

Brief Description of the Idea

1. Cool Resource Provider Handouts

Students find videos and show them in class and discussion unfolds. Students assigned as the cool resource providers for the week are asked to create a handout for the videos and other course resources selected.

2. Class Previews of Student Anchors

Have students (as cool resource providers) find videos and share with the class which previews them prior to the class meeting and discussion of them.

3. Collaborative Anchoring

A pair of students as well as the course instructor each find a few relevant videos for the week and then share what they have found with each other and decide which ones to use in class.

4. Student Anchor Demonstrators

Each student brings a video to class and presents and explains how each one is related to course concepts. A coinciding handout of videos and concepts is recommended.

5. Anchor Creators

Students create their own YouTube videos to illustrate course concepts.

6. Anchor Archives

An archive is created of videos from previous years and students are asked to update them.

7. Video Anchor Competitions

Students find relevant videos and send the list to the instructor(s) for viewing and selecting. The students whose videos are selected might receive special class recognition or bonus points.

8. Anchor Sharing and Rating

Students might share YouTube videos across class sections or institutions and perhaps rate those posted by their peers.

9. Video Anchor Debates

Students are asked to find YouTube or other online video content on the pro and con sides of a key class issue and then use them in face-to-face or online discussions and debates.

10. Anchor Creator Interviews

Students find YouTube videos relevant to course concepts and email interview the creator about the purpose and potential uses of the video or perhaps request that the creator join the class in a synchronous chat.

Discover the dramatic changes that are affecting all learners in the new book The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

The World Is Open is a journey into the world of Web 2.0 resources and the future (and present) of global educational opportunities
by Dr. Curtis J. Bonk. Visit worldisopen.com or publisher Wiley.com to learn more.
The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education is now in softcover/paperback with a new introduction/prequel (“Sharing…the Journey”) and ending/postscript (“An Open Letter to the Learners of this Planet”). More info at: Wiley, Jossey-Bass, Amazon.

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