From: Professor Curtis J. Bonk, Indiana University Contact: cjbonk at
Ed Tech and Instructional Technology Related Programs in the United States
This area has many names: Educational Technology, Instructional Systems Technology, Instructional Psychology and Technology, Instructional Design and Technology, Learning Technologies and Design, Instructional Technology, Educational Communications and Technology, Human Performance Technology, etc. Some related areas include learning sciences and information science. In addition, educational psychology is highly linked and often houses the ed tech or instructional technology program. Curriculum and instruction programs often do as well.
Note: All lists below are in alphabetical order.
Prominent Residential Master’s Only Programs (many
have online programs as well): Note: Links Verified December 2017
California State University at Monterey Bay, Instructional Science and Technology (M.S.).
East Carolina University, Education in Instructional Technology (MAEd); Instructional Technology (M.S.). Note: Only Online.
Emporia State University, Instructional Design & Technology (M.S.).
Fort Hays State University, Instructional Technology (M.S.). Note: Only Online.
The George Washington University, Educational Technology Leadership (Master's).
Lesley University, Educational Technology Master of Education (M.Ed.). Note: Only Online.
Pace University, Educational Technology Specialist (MSEd).
San Diego State University, Educational Leadership (M.A.) and (Ed.D.). See also (M.A. Online).
San Francisco State University, Education with a concentration in Instructional Technologies (M.A.).
St. Cloud State University, Information Media - Instructional Design and Training (M.S.).
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Learning Design and Technology (M.Ed.).
University of Colorado at Denver, Information and Learning Technologies (M.A.).
University of Houston-Clear Lake, Instructional Design and Technology (M.S.). See also (M.S. Online).
University of Louisville, Teacher Leadership with a concentration in Instructional Technology (M.Ed.).
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Instructional Systems Technology (M.Ed.).
University of South Carolina, Educational Technology (M.Ed.).
University of Texas at El Paso, Instructional Specialist in Educational Technology (M.Ed.).
University of Utah, Instructional Design and Educational Technology (M.Ed. and M.S.).
Western Illinois University, Instructional Design and Technology (M.S.).
Western Kentucky University, Instructional Design (M.A.). Note: Only Online.
Prominent Online Programs:
Boise State University, Educational Technology (Ed.D and Master’s).
Canisius College, Education Technologies (Master's and Certificate).
Grand Valley State University, Educational Technology (M.Ed.).
Manhattan College, Instructional Design (M.S).
Minnesota State University, Mankato, Educational Technology (M.S).
Nicholls State University, Educational Leadership (M.Ed).
Northwestern State University in Louisiana, Educational Technology Leadership (M.Ed).
The Ohio State University, Learning Technologies (Master’s). See also Master of Learning Technologies and YouTube video.
Pepperdine University, Learning Technologies (M.A. and Ed.D.). Note: Online Hybrid.
Purdue University Online, Learning Design and Technology (MSEd).
Saint Xavier University, Educational Technology Integration Coaching (Certificate).
- San Diego State University, School of Journalism & Media Studies, Learning Design and Technology (Master’s and Certificates).
University of Phoenix, Educational Leadership with a Specialization in Educational Technology (Ed.D).
University of Arkansas, Educational Technology (Online: M.Ed and On-campus: M.Ed).
University of Maryland, University College, Distance Education (4 Master's options) including Instructional Technology (M.Ed).
Walden University, Doctor of Information Technology (DIT).
Western Governors University, Learning and Technology (M.Ed.); Instructional Design (M.Ed.).
Western Michigan University, Educational and Instructional Technology (M.A. and Certificate).
edX, Instructional Design and Technology, MicroMasters ($796) (Certificate).
Can count toward a Master’s degree at the University of Maryland, Learning Design and Technology (M.S.).
Residential Doctoral Programs (most include a Master’s
program; many include online degree programs and certificates):
- Auburn University; Library Media (M.Ed. and Ed.S.); Technology Educator (Certificate); Instructional Technology for Distance Education (Certificate); Educational Foundations, Leadership and Technology (MEd, MS, EdS, PhD).
Arizona State University, Educational Technology (M.Ed.); Learning, Literacies and Technologies (Ph.D.).
Brigham Young University (BYU), Instructional Psychology & Technology (Master's) and (Ph.D.).
George Mason University, Instructional Design and Technology (M.Ed.); Learning Technologies Design Research (Ph.D.).
Georgia State University, Instructional Design and Technology (M.S.) and (Ph.D.). See also (M.S. Online).
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Technology, Innovation, and Education (Master's); Various (Doctoral) options.
Idaho State University, Instructional Design and Technology (M.Ed.); Educational Leadership, Instructional Design and Technology (Ed.D.).
- Indiana University, Instructional Systems Technology (M.S.Ed., Ph.D.).
See also IUconnectedEd online (Master's, Ed.D.).
Iowa State University, Instructional Technology (M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D.). See also (M.Ed. Online)
James Madison University, Educational Technology (M. Ed.)
Johns Hopkins University, EdD (M. S.)
Kent State University, Instructional Technology (Master's); Educational Psychology with a Concentration in Instructional Technology (Ph.D.). See also (Master's Online)
- Michigan State University, Educational Technology (MAET); Educational Psychology and Educational Technology (Ph.D. and Hybrid Ph.D). See also (Various Programs) and (Overseas Program).
- Mississippi State University, Information Technology Services (B.S.); Instructional Technology (MSIT); Technology (Ed.S.); Instructional Systems & Workforce Development (Ph.D).
- Nova Southeastern University, Curriculum, Instruction & Technology (M.S.); Instructional Technology and Distance Education (Ed.D.); Information Technology (MSIT).
- NC State University, Learning Design and Technology, Ph.D. in Teacher Education and Learning Sciences (TELS).
NYU Steinhardt, Digital Media Design for Learning (M.A.); Educational Communication and Technology (Ph.D.).
Old Dominion University, Instructional Design and Technology ( M.S.Ed. and Ph.D.). See also (Online Options).
Penn State University, Learning, Design, and Technology (M.Ed. and Ph. D.). See also Online (M.Ed. and Certificate).
Purdue University, Learning Design and Technology (M.S. and Ph.D.). See also online (MSEd).
- Saint Joseph’s University , Instructional Technology Specialist (M.S.). Note: Only Online.
Saint Xavier University, Curriculum and Instruction (M.A.).
- Sam Houston State University., Instructional Systems Design and Technology (M.Ed. and Ph. D.).
Syracuse University, Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation (M.S. and Ph.D. and Certificates).
Teachers College, Columbia University, Instructional Technology and Media (M.A. and Ed.M. and Ed.D.).
Texas A&M University, Educational Psychology: Specialization in Educational Technology (Ph.D.); Educational Technology (M.Ed. and Online M.Ed.).
Texas Tech University, Educational and Instructional Technology (Online M.Ed. and Ed.D.).
- University of Alabama, Instructional Leadership with a concentration in Instructional Technology (Ph.D.).
University of Central Florida, Instructional Design & Technology (M.A. and Ph.D. and Ed.D.).
- University of Florida, Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Educational Technology (MAE and Ph.D.); Online (M.Ed. and Ed.S. and Ed.D.).
- University of Georgia, Learning, Design, and Technology (M.Ed. and Ed.S. and Ph.D.).
- University of Hawaii, Learning Design and Technology (M.Ed. and Ph.D.); Online (M.Ed.)
- University of Houston, Curriculum & Instruction, with an emphasis in Learning, Design & Technology (M.Ed. and Ed. D.).
University of Illinois at Champaign, Management of eLearning for Workplace Learning & Training HRD (Ed.M. and Ed.D.); Learning Design & Leadership – Ed.M. and M.A. and Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees with specialized tracks in (Foundations of eLearning in Higher Education and Learning Design and Leadership and New Learning)
- University of Kansas, Educational Technology (M.S.); Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with a focus in Educational Technology (Ph.D.).
- University of Minnesota, Learning Technologies (Ph.D. | M.A.); and (Media Lab)
- University of Missouri, Educational Technology (M.Ed. and Ed.S.); Information Science & Learning Technologies (Ph.D.).
- University of New Mexico, Organization, Information and Learning Sciences (M.A. and Ph.D.).
- University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV), Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Educational Technology (M.Ed. and Ed.D. and Ph.D.); Learning Sciences (Ph.D.).
- University of North Texas, Learning Technologies (M.S. and Ph.D.).
- University of Northern Colorado, Technology, Innovation and Pedagogy (M.A. and Ph.D.).
- University of Oklahoma, Instructional Psychology & Technology (M.Ed. and Ph.D.).
- University of South Florida, Instructional Technology (M.Ed. and Ed.S. and Ph.D.).
- University of Southern Mississippi, Instructional Technology (M.S. and Ph.D); Online (M.S.).
- University of Tennessee, Instructional Technology (Ph.D.); Learning Environments and Educational Studies (Ph.D.).
- University of Texas at Austin Learning Technologies (M.A. | M.Ed. and Ph.D.).
University of Toledo, Educational Technology (M.Ed. and Ph.D.).
University of Virginia, Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in Instructional Technology (M.Ed. and Ed.S.).
- University of Wisconsin, Curriculum and Instruction (M.S. and Ph.D.).
- University of Wyoming, Learning, Design, and Technology (M.S. and Ed.D. and Ph.D.).
- Utah State University, Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences (M.A and M.S. and M.Ed. and Ed.S. and Ph.D.).
- Virginia Tech University, Instructional Design and Technology (M.A.Ed. and Ph.D. and Ed.D.); Instructional Technology Online (M.A.Ed. and Ed.S.).
- Wayne State University, Learning Design and Technology (M.Ed. and Ed.S. and Ph.D.).
- West Virginia University, Instructional Design and Technology (M.A. and Ed.D.).
- William & Mary, Curriculum & Educational Technology (Ph.D.).
Note: These last five lean more to Learning Sciences than ed tech, but I include them anyway due to significant overlap.
- Indiana University, Learning and Developmental Sciences (M.S.Ed. and Ph.D.).
- Northwestern University, Learning Sciences (M.A. and Ph.D.).
- Stanford University, Learning, Design and Technology (Master's); Learning Sciences and Technology Design (Ph.D.).
- University of Washington , Learning Sciences & Human Development (M.Ed. | Ph.D.).
- Vanderbilt University, Learning Sciences and Learning Environment Design Specialization (M.Ed. and Ph.D.).
Prominent Online Doctoral Programs:
- Capella
University, Instructional Design for Online Learning (Ph.D.).
- Indiana University, Instructional Systems Technology (M.S.Ed., Ph.D.); IU IST Programs and Research Teams and
IUconnectedEd online (Master's, Ed.D.).
Florida State University, Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (M.S., Ed.D, and Ph.D.). See also (M.S. Online)
- Michigan State University, Educational Technology (MAET); Educational Psychology and Educational Technology (Ph.D. and Hybrid Ph.D). See also (Various Programs) and (Overseas Program).
Northwestern State University in Louisiana, Educational Technology Leadership (M.Ed); Instruction Specialist with Educational Technology Concentration (Ed.S).
- Old Dominion University, Instructional Design and Technology Online (M.S. and Ph.D.); Face to Face (M.S. and Ph.D.).
- Pepperdine
University, Learning Technologies (hybrid Ed.D.).
- University of Phoenix, Educational Leadership with a Specialization
in Educational Technology (Ed.D.).
- Walden
University, Doctor of Information Technology (DIT)
Bonk, C. J., Khoo, Elaine (2014) Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online. Amazon CreateSpace.

Using 10 theoretically driven and proven motivational principles, TEC-VARIETY offers over 100 practical yet innovative ideas based on decades of author experience teaching in a variety of educational settings.
The printed version of this book is available for purchase from Amazon CreateSpace and This book is also freely available as a PDF document to download, share, and use both in total as well as by chapter; see
Discover the dramatic changes that are affecting all learners in the new book The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education
The World Is Open is a journey into the world of Web 2.0 resources and the future (and present) of global educational opportunities by Dr. Curtis J. Bonk. Visit or publisher to learn more. |  |
The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education is now in softcover/paperback with a new introduction/prequel (“Sharing…the Journey”) and ending/postscript (“An Open Letter to the Learners of this Planet”). More info at: Wiley, Jossey-Bass, Amazon.