High Quality Ed Tech Resources and Learning Portals
- World Is Open Book Web Links: (HTML)
- R2D2 Book Web Links (Empowering Online Learning: 100+ Activities...): (HTML)
- Ed Tech Programs:
- Ed Tech Jobs:
- Ed Tech Journals and Mags:
Directory of Upcoming Education and Technology Conferences from Contact North (HTML)
- Shared Online Video Resources
7a. Shared Online Video Resources, Portals, and Pedagogical Activities: (HTML)
7b. Shared Online Videos for Curt’s Learning Theories Course: (HTML)
7c. “Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning” (V-PORTAL)
Watch in Bonk’s TravelinEdMan YouTube Channel: (HTML)
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“Quality is the $10 billion dollar question in Web-based learning; but perhaps quality is simply a matter of what we like. And I like being at the edge of what is happening and pushing it farther still. Let’s open up education.” Curt Bonk, from Signal Hill, St. John’s, Newfoundland (i.e., the eastern edge of North America) |