R546 Instructional Strategies for
Thinking, Collaboration, and Motivation
Books and/or Journal Issues Selected
Note #1: Doctoral students preferably should select one research or theory book, one practice or strategy or implementation book, and one general reading or bestseller or trade book (i.e., those often found in bookstores) related to this class; however, master’s level students can read 2 applied types of instructional strategy books.

Note #2: You do not have to read them cover to cover. Select the portions for which you are most interested. You can post below even if you have not yet started to read them.

Instructions: Type the professor's last name into this field:
When you have finished entering your information below click the button labeled Update Form to save.

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Student NameBook/Journal #1
(author, brief title, year)
Book/Journal #2
(author, brief title, year)
Book/Journal #3
(author, brief title, year)
Additional Books and
Other Notes
Instructions: Type the professor's last name into the password field near the top of the page.
When you have finished entering your information click the button labeled Update Form to save.

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